Example sentences of "many [prep] [Wh pn] [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 With the declaration of war the Cubist painters , many of whom had begun to grow apart artistically , were physically separated , and the movement rapidly broke up .
2 These writers were , the Woods claim , defending the declining way of life of the landed aristocracy , challenged by urban developments which saw the rise of traders , manufacturers , artisans and wage-labourers many of whom had migrated from rural areas where they had worked as slaves and peasants for the old nobility .
3 ( Ittehad consisted of Pashtuns , the largest ethnic group , whereas Wahdat consisted mainly of Hazaras , an ethnic minority , many of whom had migrated to Kabul to escape poverty . )
4 No.4 Troop had caught a section of German defenders early in the battle as they ran to their alarm posts , but other Germans , many of whom had seen action in Norway in 1940 , tenaciously defended the strongpoints including the improvised fortifications of the Ulvesund Hotel .
5 Dzerzhinsky had been made Commissar for Transport in the first place to deal with internal troubles among the railwaymen , many of whom had opposed the Bolsheviks in 1917 and nearly brought Lenin 's government to its knees after the October Revolution .
6 By 1917 , vertical integration was a common feature of large US industrial firms , many of whom had adopted the U-form to administer their activities ( see Chandler , 1976 : 29 ) .
7 Rain fell heavily all day to add to the misery of people who came in the shop , many of whom had lived through the Great War , and told Anne some of the horrors of that time .
8 Hungary also included the Vojvodina , with its considerable population of Serbs , many of whom had crossed the Danube in front of the advancing Ottoman armies .
9 At the end of November the Congolese government began the expulsion of thousands of Zaïrean citizens , many of whom had crossed the River Congo after anti-government rioting in Kinshasa , the Zaïrean capital , in September [ see p. 38423 ] .
10 They were mostly staffed by Burghers , many of whom had served the Dutch colonial government .
11 Curiously enough , there 's even a hint of a good age for Black artists : in the 1950s , before the Notting Hill race riots of 1958 and before the era of public subsidies , when Denis Bowen of the New Vision Centre and Victor Musgrave of Gallery One consistently showed unknown international artists , many of whom had turned up in London in the post-coronation years because they had heard of the Commonwealth .
12 On arrival at the Salters ' Hall the guests , many of whom had travelled by bus from Shropshire especially for the occasion , were greeted by Sir Peter and Lady Gadsden and Mr and Mrs Alan Henn before everyone went in to dinner .
13 Over 200 people attended , many of whom had known Harry as their warden .
14 For the Right-Ons , many of whom had committed the cardinal mistake of taking other people 's newspapers too seriously , it was inconceivable that this diet of trash should be allowed to succeed .
15 The task of of carving through the English countryside was carried out by unskilled navvies , many of whom had come over from Ireland to earn a living .
16 Also under investigation for exchange control irregularities under the scheme authorized by the Differential Exchange System Office ( Regimen de Cambios Diferenciales — Recadi ) were executives of multinational companies , many of whom had left the country to avoid judicial proceedings .
17 The large-scale youth unemployment coincided with a collapse in apprenticeship schemes as industry , in recession , withdrew its support for the part-time vocational courses that were the stock-in-trade of the further education colleges , many of whom had evolved from the old mechanics institutes .
18 To mark the opening , Seve played a hole with selected partners , many of whom had donated sums of money to charity for the privilege .
19 The government adopted a decree on April 5 for the provision of homes and jobs to returning Turks , many of whom had sold their houses or found that the local authorities had bulldozed them in their absence .
20 LORD ALDINGTON told the High Court yesterday he was not surprised that tens of thousands of Yugoslavs , many of whom had fought on the German side , feared repatriation at the end of the war .
21 The announcement ended a protracted controversy by allowing the release of some 200 former supporters of Joshua Nkomo 's ZAPU party ( now absorbed into Mugabe 's ruling ZANU-PF following the December 1987 reconciliation agreement — see pp. 35626 ; 36415 ) , many of whom had fought for ZAPU as guerrillas in Matabeleland during the 1980s .
22 The Mount Pleasant community — comprising a volatile mixture of poor central American immigrants ( particularly Salvadoreans , Guatemalans and Dominicans ) , many of whom had entered the USA illegally — was increasingly under pressure from the " gentrification " effects of white middle class professionals moving into the area .
23 Communists continued to have some success among the unemployed , many of whom felt betrayed by the Labour government and ignored by the TUC .
24 The general effect of widespread miscegenation was , as in North American the creation of large number of métis , many of whom became assimilated into the ‘ Russian ’ population of Siberia .
25 COPPES won its demand to have a specialized gynaecologist attend the prisoners , many of whom have suffered from multiple rapes by the security forces with obvious consequences .
26 Like Evelyn Waugh 's pre-war novels , it collects a large cast of lightly-drawn characters , many of whom have appeared in Brooke-Rose 's earlier fiction .
27 He is respected and kept at arms- length by those academics having a vested interest in the heritage circus , many of whom have displayed a less-than-equal intellect and an ability to shoot themselves and their often spurious causes in the foot ! .
28 I know that Basil saw no simple future at the end of human life because we talked of this last summer ; neither can I. But I do believe that we live in a world whose climate of thought and feeling is created by human beings , many of whom have lived before us , often but little recognised .
29 How do smaller companies meet their capital raising requirements , particularly in emergence from recession ; particularly in the face of venture capitalists , many of whom have become more renowned for risk averse than risk taking strategies ; particularly in the face of clearing banks ' policy which does not exactly involve them rushing to throw loan finance about as they emerge from one of the most traumatic periods in their history ; and particularly in the face of the closure of the Unlisted Securities Market ( USM ) with no successor currently in sight ?
30 In general practice the type of psychologist most used is the chartered clinical psychologist , many of whom have had specific training in psychotherapy .
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