Example sentences of "er i [vb base] it 's " in BNC.

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1 Now I will give my pledge Mr Mayor that if and when the situation arises that a full service is required and needed , it will get my full support , er I hope it 's not , but if it should arise I would have no hesitation in supporting the second part of the amendment .
2 I mean I I think he put up a very good show and er I know it 's very disappointing to lose , is n't it ?
3 I think it is broken because it says also er Manchester to er I know it 's expensive on British Rail but it says one thousand three hundred and five pounds up there .
4 yeah I think that 's probably the best thing and gradually the past you 've missed might start fitting into place as it were you know if you , if you keep up with the present , I think that 's probably the best thing so er and , you know , er I know it 's no comfort but these things take time , you know it takes time to get socialized into something and it takes time to get used to a way of working .
5 So I have undertook to do that , I 've done it and er I mean it 's up to you as to which date you choose .
6 Okay well , well I do n't mind them knowing who I am , I er I mean it 's a , you know , if they do want to , mm
7 Er of course it 's , it 's , it 's I think it 's more longwinded than er I mean it 's the first time you 've fully got into it , and it 's more longwinded than the fifteen minutes allows you erm but I , I thought you were doing quite well to be honest .
8 Is it is it er I mean it 's reasonable because it 's only bottom one ?
9 It 's er I mean it 's the only thing to do is n't it ?
10 Yes that 's right , looked like a , a good plan , I was looking for a savings plan and er I suppose it 's one of those er fortunate circumstances , Friends Provident sent some stuff through , it looked good so I took it out .
11 Oh , I 'd say it is w wrong anyway in that er I say it 's the it 's early er on it in the report Good defines what he determines a trustees duty and as I said to a sort of effectively ought enter into a tr transaction which immediately cost effecting kind of money rather than making money for the pension fund then it is against that duty in the first place , but it 's to it should however be ma made explicit that it is against that duty saying stock lending may be okay for a pension fund , but not stock lending where the er pension fund is acting as the borrower rather than the lender .
12 So Mr Chairman sorry to bring it up again but er I think it 's in line what this gentleman said er bearing in mind I think it is a fact that this is a reasonable theatre enjoyed by people from a very large catchment area could you please tell us what support the the er playhouse has had from the local authorities adjacent to Harlow .
13 Now this is er a lorry , end it 's er I think it 's a Frenchman .
14 till the end of the decade er I think it 's number one d er developing market so that 's the place that you want to get into .
15 Er I think it 's just worth mentioning again that it 's still on and er I , I think er it is really more important than ever now for us to impress on Chris what good work we do because er of the changing situation within the industry .
16 Are there any questions that people would , would like to ask , er I think it 's a very important paper , er important also because as most of you know it was all these new technologies and new drug treatments and things like that that are coming in , an awful lot of rather easy criteria are being used to , to look at the , the various things , and I think that 's why there 's a lot of confusion about what is and is not a good method of treatment .
17 And I think er I think it 's that what worries you sometimes , you know er er If it can stand the pace , but as I say .
18 Well I 'm sure this er I think it 's certainly nothing serious , it
19 Er I think it 's Marvelon
20 We 've launched the series of six Beatrix Potter videos , the first two have been very successful , the first one sold three hundred and fifty thousand copies and is er I think it 's number three in the best seller list and we 'll give you one of these to take home and er and , and watch to your leisure .
21 I must add that we will not be producing daily summaries , er I think it 's a task which is a fairly daunting on and quite frankly , er they will not be produced in the sense At the end That they would not be available at the end of each day .
22 Yeah well I I I obviously I would say this but er I think it 's the best opportunity that people have for a career direction because we we 've redirected a lot of people 's careers in this aspect .
23 and this particular project , a lot of hard work has gone into it by members of the parish council and er I think it 's perfectly appropriate , and the ground was bought , it was n't donated , er it 's come of the er erm the funds that parish council receives from er residents and I think that it 's perfectly appropriate that it should mark one hundred years of parish local government .
24 I do n't mind dropping in and saying , hello , we we are getting to a size where , er I think it 's speci slightly impractical , I mean er I can see there was so might be useful to know there 's a new member of staff here , it 's either then say there was somebody wandering around , who are you and what are you doing here .
25 Er I think it 's also worth noting again chairman here that er in fact most of the hundred and forty five hectares that we 've been talking about er is in fact already committed
26 Even if he is not working they will want er I think it 's two pounds twenty a week out of him .
27 Not that we 're making any stipulation as part of their apprenticeship but er I think it 's a good idea , they have extra
28 Er we discussed er economic development with the Government , erm and whether we like it or not erm there has happened to grow up in er I think it 's in West Hounslow , it is somewhere like that ? ,
29 Diligence , next one specific er to the er to the tax practice was the need to sort to establish er a a pensions er capability A B C capability , er Leeds office has had an A B C capability for er I think it 's erm six or seven years , something in that order .
30 planning applications and er er items relating to Poor Lane , er and also the traffic on Station Road later on , er I think it 's rather complicated to talk about all of these at at one go , because I know er different members of the public have come for different reasons and perhaps , for the moment , I 'll not ask for any comments about Mr Smith 's proposals on Poor Lane , er nor er comments about Station Road , er but I will ask you if you want to refer to planning applications , er we have three planning applications , one is to extend the car park behind the pub , one is for a change of plan to one of the houses on the development adjacent to us , er and the third one is er er the plans submitted by Grant Development at Thorney , erm , I suspect most comments will be about the last , er perhaps I should ask first if anybody wants to make any comments about proposals behind the reindeer in , or at Chapel cottage site , does anybody , er in the public want to mention those erm , well we will go on to the one at Thorney then , and you 're Mr Walker ?
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