Example sentences of "after [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There is little evidence , however , to correlate serum concentrations after the dose with toxicity , and indeed experimental nephrotoxicity caused by gentamicin is more severe when the total daily dose is divided than when it is given by a single bolus , when concentrations after the dose are higher .
2 Interest in the use of hypnosis as an anaesthetic developed in the early 1800s but declined after the discovery of ether .
3 A farm in Norfolk has been placed under strict quarantine after the discovery of rhizomania or ‘ root madness ’ , which attacks sugar and other beet crops , reducing the yield .
4 It is reasonable to think this became more common after the revolution and after the discovery of oil .
5 Ten years after the discovery of AIDS we are entering into a new era in the global pandemic , with growing concern about our ability to confront it successfully .
6 The research began after the discovery of hermaphrodite carp next to a large sewage outfall .
7 After the incident on avenue Foch , Azadi had left a man to watch in a surveillance car .
8 The day was cooler and still fresh after the night of rain .
9 For a moment Riva stands outside the cottage , blinking in the harsh sunlight ; the air is well scoured , after the night of rain .
10 I went after the money with money borrowed from legit sources so far as I could : you know , against property , against insurance policies .
11 The Gladstone Pottery , named after the statesman in honour of his visit to Burslem ( q.v. ) in 1863 , is in Uttoxeter Road , and is now a working museum of the industry , with four preserved bottle ovens among the old brick buildings .
12 This is no longer surprising after the discussion in Section I. The second , which is more remarkable , is that the liberal interpretation put forward is reached precisely by analogy with the institutions of the civil law .
13 Churchill 's support for détente may seem odd in view of his earlier criticisms of the ‘ iron curtain' , but Churchill was concerned at the dangers of global war ( especially after the explosion of hydrogen bombs by America and Russia in 1952 and 1953 ) ; he had hopes of establishing a reputation as a peacemaker , to match his reputation as a war leader ; and he believed Britain could play a major role as the arbiter between Moscow and Washington .
14 He was immediately dispatched to the scene , where his energy , intelligence and presence of mind made him the chief decision-taker in the first days after the explosion of reactor number four .
15 Three years after the termination of war in 1945 a friendly nation , France , was fighting a desperate and apparently losing struggle in Indo-China .
16 The MFDS had developed from the Platform for a Democratic Slovakia , which had split from the Public Against Violence ( then the dominant party in the ruling Slovak coalition ) on April 27 after the dismissal of Meciar as Slovak Prime Minister [ see p. 38161 ] .
17 For example , Loucks , Dodge & galloway ( 1984 ) demonstrated feldspar dissolution to have taken place after the formation of quartz overgrowth cements in some US Gulf Coast Lower Tertiary sandstones , whereas , in similar sandstones , Siebert , Moucure & lahann ( 1984 ) showed feldspar dissolution occurred after calcite cementation but before hydrocarbon maturation and migration .
18 Shortly after the formation of Apple Films ( a subsidiary of the Beatles ' Apple Corps Ltd ) , Ringo and his associate Hilary Gerard had approached us to help them make a film about Arthurian legends and " Magical Britain " .
19 the provision of electricity and water to the site , but within the original budget and with the estimates and quotations we 've had , there will be some money available for the erection of a small sign , so perhaps er I propose that we do that within the budget that we 've already established for the purchase of the ground , wh which is within budget at the moment , so if there 's any spare after the provision of electricity and water to the site , suggested .
20 We had a chat after the Head of House appointment about the Head of House role .
21 After the development of lymph node metastases and distant metastases , median survival of patients declined significantly .
22 One minute after the addition of calcium , the calcium influx assay was initiated by the injection of 4μl of varying concentrations of cGMP .
23 Preincubation of HGT-1 cells with 100 nmol/l TPA for 10 minutes significantly reduced the initial response to histamine ( p<0.01 ) , this effect being most apparent five minutes after the addition of histamine .
24 The cyclic AMP content of the cell suspension rose to a peak one minute after the addition of histamine at 37°C and then fell .
25 As about 50% of the basal current in the airways was due to sodium absorption , chloride secretion was measured after the addition of amiloride ( 100μM ) which abolished electrogenic sodium absorption .
26 The fractions containing reactivity against PT-gliadin only were pooled and stored at 4°C after the addition of sodium azide .
27 Immediately before , and at appropriate intervals after the addition of ATP , 5ml aliquots were mixed with 1.5ml of stop solution ( 0.1M EDTA , 5% SDS ) and placed at 65°C for 5 min .
28 The move , disclosed by health chiefs , is likely to create controversy after the outcry over school league tables .
29 The host used to go after the fall of night , and move particularly after midnight …
30 The third went to Sender Freies Berlin TV , whose film offers an honest observation of the problems confronting the churches and Christians in eastern Europe after the fall of communism .
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