Example sentences of "even [adj -er] [conj] that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But there was something even stranger than that about him .
2 Crocodiles have low systemic blood pressure , even lower than that of the iguana which has a three-chambered heart .
3 When we are dealing with hard , brittle crystals , however , the practical strength is generally even lower than that of bulk glass and in their crude state most of the non-metallic crystals deserve the contempt with which they are generally regarded by engineers .
4 The honey-tongue ( if not the fidelity ) of the Polish officers was a legend , but the approach of some among their other ranks ( even allowing for language difficulties ) was even cruder than that of the U.S. servicemen .
5 Some return to the surface with scars on their snouts which suggest that they have been battling with creatures possessing suckers 13 centimetres across , and squid beaks even bigger than that of the Norwegian giant have been found in their stomachs .
6 Above all , the occupants are cosseted in a very spacious cabin even bigger than that of the Renault 25 , itself a benchmark in the class .
7 Many businessmen are complaining that this recession is even worse than that of the early 1980s ( especially in engineering — see next page ) .
8 Will the Prime Minister tell us why his record on unemployment is even worse than that of his predecessor ?
9 But if the Wilsonian rhetoric went well beyond what Labour was able to achieve , Heath 's ‘ mandate ’ for change was even flimsier than that of Labour in the '60s .
10 A different sort of ERM is therefore required — one that allows some of its members a flexibility even greater than that of the early 1980s .
11 However , her books , though absorbing to the adult reader , are difficult to revive for the young of another generation because of their preoccupation ( even greater than that of her female contemporaries ) with social status .
12 It is now estimated that about twenty kilograms of uranium escaped through the pile chimneys , posing a risk even greater than that from the short-lived 1957 accident .
13 The Criminal Law Revision Committee 's proposed definition of rape is even narrower than that of Professor Williams .
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