Example sentences of "even [subord] there [modal v] be " in BNC.

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1 It is also now recognized that even where there may be some correlation between certain factors and certain forms of abuse , it is inappropriate to assume that the one causes the other ; both may be linked to a third but underlying set of structures and mechanisms .
2 In Hills v. Ellis , this was interpreted to mean that the act of the defendant must in some way be ‘ aimed at ’ the police , even if there need be no hostility towards them .
3 Have we the capacity to remain together even though there may be real theological differences among us ?
4 The manager 's priority is to fill the gap and he therefore may accept the offer of someone even though there may be cost implications ,
5 Hospital pharmacists can substitute a non-brand equivalent to save money , but ordinary pharmacies have to give exactly what the doctor orders , even though there may be a cheaper alternative .
6 Similarly , many other forms of compulsive behaviour are easily recognised even though there may be considerable debate if one has the temerity to apply the term " addiction " .
7 In fact all polymers can enter the glassy state , even though there may be crystal phases present as well , and the glassy state can exist in a very wide range of materials which are not polymers — such as ethanol , propylene glycol , glycerol and sulphur .
8 I I mean I think I think in retrospect the erm this is n't intended as a criticism erm of past work , but I do think we need to look at getting as much volunteer help in the town towards volun volunt environmental achievements as possible because one of our one of our claims is that we 're cost effective and can galvanize voluntary effort , and if we erm put all of our work out to tender including relatively small works , we 're actually going to negate that particular claim and we 're gon na look as as as er cost cost wasteful as the district council and the county council in their use of professional help all the time , even though there may be people in the community who are prepared to help .
9 Obviously , since the whole economy was engaged in this process there could not be , according To Bukharin , a wholly unbalanced growth , even though there would be certain imbalances as a result of growth taking place in different sectors at somewhat different rates .
10 The Vice-Chancellor , Sir Donald Nicholls , said that the section gave the Court discretion in the widest sense , and in His Lordship 's view , the case was one in which a sale should be directed , even though there would be a deficiency .
11 In other words , if precedent was followed , the package of budget cuts would be attacked piecemeal when it disappeared into the congressional maze ; even though there might be general agreement on the need to cut the budget , vested interests operating through sympathetic members could , one by one , weaken or restore specific cuts .
12 BBCBASIC does not incorporate " garbage collection " routines and it is possible to run out of room for variables even though there should be enough space .
13 Hardwick recommended that the man 's loss should be paid , even though there could be no legal claim , and this was done .
14 That is to say , scholars have assumed that around 1550 the English language became much more convergent than it had been before even though there can be no direct evidence that spoken English did become more convergent .
15 But it 's been an entertaining series , even though there must be quite a few Radio 4 listeners somewhat startled to hear the Fifties treated as risable history .
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