Example sentences of "even [subord] we [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 I need to see this action as one step — even if we lose it will perhaps serve to show the nation how far it has fallen , that it no longer is concerned that such things happen in its midst .
2 that , even if we knew it once again ,
3 We can , for example , account for the latter , even if we dislike it , by means of finding various reasons for that behaviour such as upbringing , unfortunate company , or unpleasant experiences .
4 But even if we did have some such reason — even if we thought it slightly more natural for right-handed people , who form the majority , to drive on the right — our reasons for wanting everyone to drive on the same side would still be much stronger .
5 Not even if we squashed it into the cassette case .
6 Generalisation is therefore not easy , and its value is limited , even if we confine it — as we must — to the relatively developed countries as distinct from the backward , to the urban working classes as distinct from the agrarian and peasant sectors .
7 The radio can not demand that we listen to it : even if we leave it switched on , this does not mean we are listening .
8 Even if we find it difficult to imagine the strength of feeling behind this ambivalence , most of us can recall or visualize the ambivalence in a parent 's action when given a ‘ friendly cuff ’ , or when threatened with a poised hand and a laughing voice .
9 At the moment , nuclear power contributes approximately three percent to our national consumption of fuels , a small figure and even if we multiplied it tenfold that would be thirty percent .
10 We have to persuade the pupils that what they are doing is worthwhile — even when we doubt it ourselves .
11 We must beware of this tendency , even when we exploit it .
12 Even when we married it was going to be a secret for a bit .
13 For instance , the regress generated by the remark that there is a point between every pair of points may be virtuous , even when we take it to concern points in time rather than in space .
14 We should all be exercising , even when we do it badly , even when we cut a ridiculous figure as we job along , puffing and panting .
15 Their lawyer , Patricia Hambrecht , says : ‘ We witnessed a dramatic drop in our appraisal business for donations to institutions , and even though we realised it was not in our narrow self-interest , we knew it was for the good of the overall arts community ’ .
16 We do not know Selkirk 's secret , even though we hold it in our hands .
17 Even though we knew it was little girls he 'd be after , not little boys … ’
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