Example sentences of "even [subord] you [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Even if you block the straight line between two points by putting a cut in the paper , the ink will get around the corner .
2 Even if you woke the child up again to clean his or her teeth , some of the sugar is bound to be retained in the crevices on or between the teeth .
3 Even if you woke the child up to clean his or her teeth , some sugar is bound to be retained on or between the teeth . ’
4 Even if you make a complete mess of it , the model only has a few inches to fall .
5 If the ‘ hold ’ is set to give a safe idle , there should still be plenty of time to switch it off and recover even if you make a complete mess of things .
6 got I mean if Even if you had a date to aim towards , even if it was six months hence , at least that would help you , you could
7 Even if you had a single gene which is terribly important , erm because human beings are complex everything they do is affected by large numbers of genes a number of examples that contradict that .
8 ‘ I spent hours in the library looking up all the journals I could find — and the thing that kept coming back to me was that even if you had the treatment , there was a chance that the effects of toxoplasmosis on the child might not come out until years later .
9 However , even if you draw a blank , it is always worth checking to see whether or not you can influence the external event that starts the sequence , so either while you are being hindered by an unproductive feeling or after an experience where you were hindered ask yourself : ‘ What external event has triggered this feeling ? ’
10 Normally you will have to pay this fixed amount , even if you get a full rent rebate .
11 Even if you get a flat you worry about delays in your housing benefit .
12 Alison said even if you get a two they 're gon na , you know bigger is better than
13 Now this is very common you do n't know what you 're working with so you ca n't really be expected even if you get the answer if
14 Even if you turn the machine off and then on again and read the cams , the pattern will still be in the wrong position .
15 Even if you sold the house you live in , there is no way in which you could buy back the paintings , even if the owners would sell .
16 It 's much tougher than amateur golf and even if you shoot a good round , you could be lying in only 10th or 12th place . ’
17 You see , with costs like this , even if you take a few days off you 're a million quid in the hole ! ’
18 ( Even if you take the B note slightly sharp whilst you do it , no matter ; that 's what 's needed . )
19 Even if you take the example of the Western , and key Western icons like Clint Eastwood , ’ Wood says , ‘ you can see the films responding to social attitudes in the movement from the early spaghetti westerns to last year 's Unforgiven , where you still have the recognisable Clint Eastwood character , but he 's much more complex , more uncertain about things — about killing , about his motives , the whole notion of what constitutes a hero . ’
20 Their men shut them up at home ; even if you visit the house , the women do n't appear socially .
21 Even if you become a great painter you end up being some rich man 's lackey , sponsored and dabbled with — if you 're lucky .
22 The work will get done , even if you miss the doing of it .
23 ( The golden rule for recording : get it down , even if you miss the next nugget . )
24 If you do n't do this , the adjacent floorboards will be damaged even if you use a floorboard saw .
25 Reassessing the skills you bring back to nursing or health visiting can be a worthwhile preparation for returning to practice , even if you feel a poor judge of what skills might be most needed in the future .
26 So it 's very important we get you seen next week , even if you feel a lot better .
27 And even if you score a triumph , avoid crowing about your success .
28 In ordinary flowing speech , the whole sentence happens so quickly that , even if you held the speaker firmly by the throat , it would not be easy to spot vibration of quickly passing consonant sounds .
29 There are other methods of storing food such as preserving , drying , or bottling , but these are of limited value if you live on your own , since , even if you entertain a lot , you would probably waste a lot of preserves or bottled food , as their condition quickly deteriorates once the jar or bottle is opened .
30 Even if you have no intention of becoming pregnant , do n't take a chance .
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