Example sentences of "even [subord] it mean [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 In December word was leaked to American newspapers that the president had resolved to fight , if war was necessary , even if it meant destroying his chances of re-election .
2 It 's about time somebody killed this ‘ debate ’ dead in its tracks , even if it meant stating the obvious ; that postmodernism is nothing more than Situationism without the socialism , the archetypal assimilation of revolutionary technique and terminology .
3 I had Masquerade to mend and a life to live and , even if it meant living it without Ellen , my charter days were done .
4 Well , no one was going to call them cheapskates even if it meant staying at home for the rest of the decade .
5 She had to keep close to this man even if it meant sharing his bed .
6 I think perhaps that I actually needed to be able to think the worst of you , however personally unpalatable that worst was to me , as some sort of a defence , so that I could despise you even if it meant despising myself as well .
7 She had said she would pay it back and she would keep her word , even if it meant scrubbing floors and washing dishes .
8 Like , even if it meant writing them anonymous note , you know !
9 Perhaps Cromwell , when he passed , also found the door of Coldingham Priory locked and decided that he would get in anyway , even if it meant removing a whole wall in order to do so .
10 And even if it meant bringing her back empty , he was still bringing her back .
11 The Bruce claimant to the throne had just died , but his son and grandson were determined to assert family rights , even if it meant offering their services to Edward I for as long as it might take to drive the Comyns from the seized lands in Annandale .
12 Even if it meant disturbing her , waking her so that she cried when put down again , she must be lifted up in Alice 's arms , held close to her and kissed goodbye .
13 Even if it meant sitting on her doorstep until she either came out of her flat or came home from wherever she was .
14 The new French Agriculture and Forestry Minister , Louis Mermaz , said that France would not be pushed into an accord even if it meant extending the December deadline for completing the GATT talks .
15 He had to find all the time he could to write the play , even if it meant neglecting other matters , not least because it would be his first composition since the award of the Nobel Prize .
16 If one of us was really late , but could be seen running to catch the tram , Carnera waited , even if it meant starting a little behind time .
17 When Madame shook the bucket you turned out your pockets even if it meant walking home .
18 Mrs Ardern vowed to keep open Speke 's closure-threatened Pope John Paul II High School even if it meant opting out of the control of the church .
19 1993 is a time to put everything you 've got into your career and ambitions , even if it means sacrificing some fun .
20 After rugged David Shearer barged over Jimmy Carter and Lee Dixon before firing home Blackburn 's 85th-minute decider , Graham conceded : ‘ We 've got to put the physical side of our game back in place — even if it means sacrificing some of the attractive football we want to play . ’
21 And then , do something , even if it means calling her in
22 Even if it means planting evidence ? ’
23 Know the subject inside out , putting in that extra effort even if it means reading late and waking early .
24 Respondents to the Social Attitudes Survey in 1984 were asked : In general would you say that people should obey the law without exception , or are there exceptional occasions on which people should follow their consciences even if it means breaking the law ?
25 ‘ I want you to know the truth , Claudia — that 's why I 've come , even if it means breaking … ’
26 then make sure it is presented the way it is requested , even if it means rethinking the standard version you usually send out .
27 Treat yourself to it , even if it means pawning something you can live without .
28 Is n't it time that Silver sorted things out and got us some money to buy players even if it means bringing in another board member .
29 ‘ Pancho ’ will be every bit as tough when he takes his place on the bench beside player-manager Frank Stapleton — even if it means shouting ‘ come in number nine ’ to the boss .
30 I think many feel that if one is going to make the sacrifice that is required in the first place then one accepts that there will be other things one will want one 's child to benefit from — even if it means tightening one 's belt for an extra month . ’
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