Example sentences of "even [subord] [pron] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 First , there is evidence that men , even where they acknowledge that they have responsibilities to parents or children , often exercise those responsibilities through their wives .
2 ‘ Incidentally , taking the old man 's philosophy to its logical end , I presume that one would be expected to destroy an enemy machine even if one knew that , say , the pilot were injured or out of ammunition , and therefore unable to fight back . ’
3 With some 22,000 students moving around within our city , even if one felt that a nominal sum should be paid — here I am looking after the interests of the hon. Member for City of Durham ( Mr. Steinberg ) whose lovely daughter is now a constituent of mine ; I trust that she will be sensible and know where to put her cross — it is clearly administratively impossible to handle and , given the changes in student support , that small relief will be welcome .
4 Even if one thought that the pursuit of such predictions was useful , a great deal more information would be required , including a knowledge of the extent to which the rules were broken .
5 Even if one accepts that auditors are capable of providing information about business risks that is useful to investors and other parties , it is questionable whether the benefits of extending the auditor 's role in this direction are likely to outweigh the costs .
6 Even if one accepts that the thesis accounts for why blacks are overrepresented in reactive activities such as boxing and soccer , and underrepresented in self-paced sports such as golf and swimming , it does not explain why blacks do not excel in such reactive sports as motor racing , tennis , fencing , squash or even skiing !
7 For example , even if one accepts that a man ought to pay his mistress , to require him to support her children , even if he is not their father , seems outrageous .
8 Even if one knows that an ancestor was buried in a certain parish , finding the appropriate registration district in the indexes can be problematic .
9 In the sixties , polls showed that , even if they believed that they themselves were doing rather well , most British people felt that their country was doing rather badly , and falling further behind foreign competitors .
10 Even if they pass that test they still have to pass the second hurdle of being " in consumer use " when the defect arises .
11 And so , I imagine , do most women , even if they know that , often , love also means pain .
12 After all , they choose to buy their own newspapers and may be bound , psychologically , to defend their own chosen paper even if they accept that other people 's papers are biased .
13 Even if we believed that the public interest could perhaps be equated with goals supported by a broad social consensus so that the spectre of management indulging its own personal moral and political preferences under the guise of pursuing socially worthwhile goals no longer haunted us difficulties would still remain .
14 Unfortunately , even if we know that a urinary rhythm is due partly to the body clock , we can not yet be confident about details of the way in which this clock produces the rhythms in renal elimination .
15 Even if we knew that , for example , the 1989 sales were 10,000 copies , what are the levels of sales for 1990 or 1991 ?
16 He never asserts , however , that even if we accepted that animals have rights , we could never justify infringing them .
17 Thus , even if we assume that a significant proportion are well supported either by relatives or by services purchased with their own money , it is highly probable that personal social services see only the tip of an iceberg of unmet needs .
18 But even if we assume that it is sound at an abstract philosophical level , it would be extremely dubious to assert that this theory can justify our present practices of punishment or anything like them .
19 I have already indicated in Chapter 2 that , even if we assume that true observational statements are available to us in some way , it is never possible to arrive at universal laws and theories by logical deductions on that basis alone .
20 Even if we assume that seasonal usage is constant but prices increase by 10 per cent p.a. , we produce a difference :
21 Even if we admit that an element of calculation usually enters into racist practices , rather than blind hatred , it is clear that this model ignores the deeper reaches of the racist imagination , the structures of feeling and phantasy which are embedded in even the most rationalized forms of racist argument and action .
22 This is a most pathetic piece of pontification , even if we appreciate that modern artists are some of the greatest censors of art ( i.e. Rauschenberg erasing de Kooning ) .
23 But even if we discover that vineyards vanished from south east England at a time when the climate was getting colder , we still do not know for sure why they disappeared .
24 The first is that even if we concluded that a representative democracy was the best that could be achieved under modern circumstances , the idea or principle of representation is far from being fully or effectively embodied in existing political arrangements .
25 Even if we notice that the new dog has become a follower , we regard it as part of a strong friendship .
26 Thus even if we accept that the duty of directors to act in the best interests of shareholders can be equated with a duty to maximize profits this does not provide us with any real assurance that the wishes of the shareholders are being executed by the directors or that we have a satisfactory way of controlling the discretion accorded to directors in the name of the Rule of Law .
27 But even if we accept that there is a significant difference between the ‘ legal ’ and ‘ political ’ processes in the way in which decisions are reached , they would both still come firmly within the definition of power we adopted in part I , that is the ability to get others to do what you want them to , assuming this is different from what they would have done anyway , with the use or threat of sanctions if necessary .
28 Even if we agree that these kinds of assumptions have some general validity , the questions that then stem from them are equally complex .
29 But even if we allow that this can be a beneficial experience , we must question the wisdom of seeing it as the only valid way in which reading can be learned .
30 Which was why Blackbeard accepted directives from him , even if he felt that he did not need them .
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