Example sentences of "even [conj] she [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 'll be her word against ours , even if she dares to say anything , ’ one of the other men argued .
2 she knew she would save Billy , even if she had to die for it .
3 Maybe she 'd rather see her friend first , even if she had to cry after , ’ Nick said .
4 With a bit more luck , train services willing , she could be in and out of Mariánské Láznë today , and , even if she had to fit in a visit to that garage near Františkovy Láznë , by nightfall she could be across the Czechoslovakian border and on her way home to England .
5 Even if she manages to get through her first probationary year , life is not an easy ride for full members either .
6 Much more difficult for a woman because by the time a woman 's got into her forties , her child rearing erm career is usually rather short and even if she wants to continue , it becomes much more hazardous for her and for her offspring , so er in , in the case of erm modern societies with erm monogamy bu but divorce as we have , you ca n't help thinking that to some extent the , the odds are , are loaded in the favour of men as it were in terms of their reproductive success .
7 He was quite aware of her marital designs on him , but she was very much part of the life which he had rejected , even if she refused to recognise that fact , and tried to reclaim him for it .
8 Even if she fails to turn up for her next set of lectures there is nothing we can do but not pay her .
9 She says she could n't stop singing , even if she wanted to try .
10 For a moment , even while she continued to dispense tea and wads , she fell into the void of loneliness that seemed forever gaping at her feet and from whose edge , time and again , she had to forcibly drag herself back if she wanted to survive .
11 Much before she was ready she was whisked up to Vendelin Gajdusek 's home , deposited outside his elegant and graceful house , and , even while she wanted to call the driver back , he was already on his way .
12 Lisa knew it was Vass , even before she reached to answer it .
13 She was kneading bread , her arms flour to the wrists , when the doorway behind her was darkened , and she knew even before she whirled to face him that this was not her father coming home from his snares .
14 But even before she started to interview torturers , she ‘ had stopped expecting a monster ’ .
15 Go home ! ’ even as she continued to run .
16 Then at last the girl came back to her , but , even as she began to speak , Lisa could sense an ominous note in her voice .
17 But even as she began to shake off her suspicions , he changed the subject dramatically .
18 But even as she began to shake her head , she heard her own voice accepting the invitation , felt a ridiculous little spurt of pleasure that he even wanted to be with her .
19 But even as she made to turn away , his arms slid around her and she closed her eyes to everything but the sheer beauty of his kiss , the exquisite torture of his lips moving over her own , the hard strength of his body pressed against hers .
20 But even as she vowed to protect she was filled with terror at the unhappiness the fleeting expressions rehearsed ; pulled up against the staggering independence of this creature to experience its own ranges of reaction , its life , quite separate from and un-understood by her .
21 Even as she tried to evade him , he was drawing her closer , making the blood sing in her veins as he smiled down at her , the hypnotic blue eyes half shuttered but still as powerful , as he raised a firm hand to the back of her head , guiding her face towards his own , his mouth seeking the trembling softness of hers , hard and demanding as it reached its goal , yet instantly becoming as gentle and manipulative as it had been when he had coaxed the throbbing melody from the borrowed trumpet .
22 With resignation she felt the colour steal into her face , and knew he would n't believe her even as she tried to explain that she had n't even seen the rings but had been absorbed by the ornaments .
23 Lying there in his bed , she was suddenly beset by wild , crazy images of lying there in his arms , and , even as she tried to block them out , her body grew warm with the memory of the moment when he 'd kissed her in the make-up room .
24 He drew the splayed fingers of one hand over her throat and down to cup one breast , and , even as she tried to back away , Shannon felt her nipples puckering , begging for his touch .
25 Startled , she looked up into Dane 's sea-blue eyes , and even as she tried to strengthen herself against him she felt a rush of longing so intense that it made her weak at the knees .
26 Silas sent her a look she was unable to define , and even as she tried to fathom its meaning their gaze locked for several long moments until he reached across the table to squeeze her hand .
27 Even when she managed to do so she knew he would n't understand .
28 Even though she tried to listen out for the sound of a returning car , the castle and the road leading up to it remained as silent as the grave .
29 Even though she tried to pack the single word with a wealth of bored indifference , Rory could n't help but be curious .
30 Even though she tries to hide it , I can see she 's pretty upset by the letter .
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