Example sentences of "even [conj] [pers pn] [vb past] they " in BNC.

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1 In the church , the blacks have no hymnbooks , and we are told that even if they had them they probably could not read them , showing that the blacks are oppressed and have no opportunity of an education .
2 They do not reach the true fundamentalist , because even if he read them , he would be left quite unmoved because James Barr 's theology does not give a viable and positive alternative to fundamentalism .
3 Hindley did not care what they did , as long as they kept out of his way , and they did not care even if he punished them .
4 Although few would accept a Trabant now even if you paid them , the spluttering papier-maché two-stroke still strikes an affectionate chord .
5 If you 're not a member of the club and you 're not accepted the rituals and people do n't like you , they wo n't tell you and as a result you wo n't be an effective hunter , you wo n't be able to support many wives even if you wanted them and if you have wives what they needed , because if a man does n't feed his wives they , they , they all eventually get up and go , they 'll say two fingers you know , you ca n't feed us .
6 Even before it opened they had become emanations of the State , a branch of the machinery of government .
7 He answered with a minute shake of his head and she obeyed , sitting on to watch the fantastic skill with which they wove and rewove their patterns , each keeping the strings taut and symmetrical even as they transformed them into a completely new shape .
8 Then he was clinging to them , even as he felt them tear loose from the rock .
9 Even as he grouped them , he shook his head : what did he really know about these people ?
10 She had deluded herself ; she had believed that innocence of spirit and a devout purpose were adequate guides through this treacherous domain , but the facts were clear enough now : she had diminished mystery to pious platitude , and some devious element at work in the deeps of her imagination was scorning her efforts even as she made them
11 Even as she watched they disappeared over the edge , leaving her in a watery isolation .
12 consolidated itself as sovereign subject by defining its colonies as ‘ Others ’ , even as it constituted them , for purposes of administration and the expansion of markets , into programmed near-images of that very sovereign self .
13 When … our Soviet rivals recognised they could not match us … and as their own system indisputably failed the Soviet people even as it abused them — then came the turning point . ’
14 Similarly , whereas over half of the sample ( 57 per cent ) admitted to always or mostly continuing to drink even when they knew they were intoxicated , at the end of the course 60 per cent said this rarely or never occurred .
15 So I used to encourage his own poetry , and his ideas for poetic themes , even when I knew they were poor or did not interest me .
16 Although the ministers were too polite to commit themselves , even when I pressed them on this point , it was clear to me that they felt they , and their church , had been used .
17 But even when she whispered them aloud the words had a hollow ring .
18 Even when he scolded them for some minor wrongdoing , he would cite the great orators like Cicero or Burke , as if he was taking part in a parliamentary debate , instead of addressing two small boys .
19 He continued to wear glasses even when he found them unnecessary simply because they had become part of his image .
20 You know I said they 're all fantastically healthy and yet there are n't any old folks even though we thought they travelled around together in a group ?
21 Accepting the only logical course of action the robots had shut down the machine , even though it meant they too sank into inertia as a consequence .
22 According to one of the skippers , each hunting trip cost on average over US$130 more than the crew received for the catch — the fishermen were simply carrying on a proud and noble tradition , even though it cost them money .
23 Anyway ; I used to be petrified of these dragons , even though I knew they probably did n't exist ; I mean I knew there was no Santa Claus , and no fairies and elves , but still thought ghosts and dragons were a possibility , and it only took one to kill you …
24 so was I , even though I failed them .
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