Example sentences of "even [conj] [pers pn] [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 Robert O'Mahoney 's King , a ‘ dynamotologist ’ — ‘ self-realisation , you know ? ’ — is the picture of a man floundering around in the deep end of life , who has forgotten not only how to swim , but even where he left his life jacket .
2 The stairs creaked even where he placed his feet carefully at the wall side and the ludicrous self-portrait of himself as a householder properly armed with a poker going upstairs to hunt burglars made him stop to tauten his thoughts .
3 But there are always one or two who would have preferred a colleague to a stranger even if they hated his guts .
4 This belief , expressed in the legal doctrine of novus actus interruptus , is that a person is responsible for his own actions , and others are not responsible even if they induced his action by suggesting that there are reasons for it , or by behaving in ways which led him to form such a belief .
5 But what we realized was that even if we hit his estimates we were still gon na be worse off .
6 The no evidence doctrine was commonly taken to mean that a decision will not be regarded as outside of the jurisdiction of the decision-maker even if he reached his decision on no evidence .
7 Of course he will feel jealous when a new baby arrives on the scene — even if he does his best not to show it .
8 While I came to the Arctic when I realized that climbing , my first love , was losing its appeal , Tony was born to the area , loving it , one might believe , even before he saw his first photograph of it .
9 Even before he reached his nineteenth birthday , he had begun to make a name as a choreographer , and one of the works he made then is still danced : only a trifle , but full of the wit that was one of his gifts .
10 Until , under the mirror , after many a circle and feint , after many a playful retreat and renewed approach , Ivan at last cornered her , and even before he opened his mouth she felt the smell of fear from herself : her pores broke open , she stood there panting slightly , her hair rising on the back of her neck in terror , her heated skin covered in icy sweat : ‘ And when , ’ asked Ivan pleasantly , ‘ are you two going to make the announcement ?
11 Even as he hacked his way free more tentacles looped around him and dragged him into the filth .
12 Even as he sensed his incapacity to make such a choice , it was made for him .
13 And he , even as he turned his damp face towards me , pink and stupid in his unbuttoned uniform , could only be Casey , rooted in my dreams now , the same leering grin that will haunt me for years .
14 Speaking of himself in the second person and now deploying the phallic innuendo of tongue as well as sword , Vitelli presents masculine sexuality as spectacle , again demanding and needing the confirmation of his masculinity by an audience even as he conceives his masculinity in terms of spontaneous , self-generating desire and autonomous honour .
15 She did turn her head then , but only to smile at David and marvel that he could look so happy ; but even as she watched his face seemed to grow colder and he nodded .
16 People were drawn to him almost against their will , even when they knew his faults .
17 But Rubberneck wished — for he was a pariah still , how he felt , on his high perch , even when they called his name — that he was down below , in the crush : part of the people .
18 Even when he laid his hand on him gently , he did not uncover his face .
19 Even when he raised his face open-eyed to the altar the silence still continued for a while .
20 Yet , somehow , even when he gets his facts wrong and becomes trapped in a spiral of tricky tautologies , Durkheim 's way of putting things has a brilliant radiance which few other sociological theorists can match , far less surpass .
21 Even when he saw his mother behaving unpardonably with her , he could n't quite believe what he witnessed .
22 Gedge has now learned to protect himself and even when he gives his number to friends , he implores them not to pass it on .
23 Tufnell , who took 6 for 4 against West Indies here a year ago , switched to that pavilion end again , but could not break through , even when he trusted his more alluring flight .
24 Even when he bent his head to the page , they came between him and the words .
25 Even when he lost his leg Gerry was chirpy .
26 Sometimes that world can seem unfair , but even when he lost his driving licence for a year for failing to give a breath test , he quipped : ‘ I really tried to blow into that machine but I 'm a singer not a bugler . ’
27 Luther took fright at the anarchy he had loosed but could do little to prevent it , even when he threw his weight behind the German princes in their crushing of revolutionary movements .
28 As in a Hammer horror film , the anticipation of something dreadful provides the engine to this dream — the seven bearded men 's appalling appearance was not for instance immediately apparent , and even though they removed his clothes and started to eat , there was no explicit imagery of himself implicated in the cannibalistic orgy , tasting flesh — presumably his own .
29 Like Donald Wilson before , Newman accepted the strength of the ‘ Dalek Factor ’ and agreed to let Verity Lambert handle Doctor Who her way after that , even though it meant his sacrificing part of the ideals he had intended the show to represent .
30 Even though it caught his eyes , so that he was actually watching when it happened , the figure that leapt from the blackness was only a silvery blur , moving with breathtaking and unreal speed .
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