Example sentences of "even [conj] [pron] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 Schmenner 's analogy is not a good one , even if one sympathizes with his sentiment .
2 Even if one agrees with Aristotle that true equality consists in treating unequals unequally , this merely raises the apparently insoluble question of how it can be practically achieved .
3 He says what he believes to be true and even if one disagrees with him , his uncompromising stances are vastly preferable to some of the gobbledy-gook that comes from some sections of the countryside establishment or those who change their views from year to year .
4 We may say that a criterion of legal validity or source of law is supreme if rules identified by reference to it are still recognized as rules of the system , even if they conflict with rules identified by reference to the other criteria , whereas rules identified by reference to the latter are not so recognized if they conflict with the rules identified by reference to the supreme criterion .
5 Even if they disagree with your content , dissenters will prefer your case to be put well .
6 It shows that they accept each other 's utterances ( even if they disagree with them ) and it indicates their willingness to interact and to keep on interacting .
7 Even if we progress with the preparation of a scheme , THE success rate of a fully costed project only averages around 30% .
8 Even if we meet with fellow humans from other parts of our globe where the spoken and written languages are different , the common , basic sense of meaning which we carry in our minds is enough for us to communicate through gesture and signs and to know that , should we care to , we can learn each other 's language .
9 Even if we agree with his general hypothesis , we have to accept that in some instances people will eat the dead bodies of other people — if only in order to stay alive .
10 As such , redevelopment may be in the public interest even if it conflicts with local policy .
11 But even while she joked with him , she remembered those other nurses who had worked with him .
12 Set into the floor were several open pits , which exuded a dank stench even as they pulsed with the chill luminescence of putrefaction .
13 The pilot , with no diplomatic clearance number , made one up ; air-traffic control did not believe him , but he managed to weave his way towards Iran even as he argued with them .
14 May we treat our parents with respect and consideration , even when we disagree with them .
15 Even when they deal with upper/middle class offenders , as in Columbo , it is not because they have committed corporate crimes , but because they have committed the stereotypical conventional crime of murder .
16 She is impatient at what she regards as generalities in memos from colleagues and civil servants — even when she agrees with them .
17 What was even more worrying was that she had never cried and even when he remonstrated with her and told her bluntly that their two children were dead and buried she just smiled and turned away .
18 Even though she quarrelled with your husband about motor cars .
19 She was n't an actor , and she 'd never be able to fully comprehend what made the breed tick , even though she worked with their number practically every day .
20 He received parish supplementation , even though he lived with a clay worker son , a bachelor on 10s ( 50p ) a week .
21 If we 're right , he also loathed the complete destruction of Stalinvast — even though he co-operated with Obispal in kindling the hydra , a task that cost millions of lives . ’
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