Example sentences of "even [adv] [conj] [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Central heating That were n't even on when I looked at it .
2 There is not much evidence of a determined drive by the Communists to control NICRA and even less that they had a great deal of influence .
3 They liked him even less when they discovered he hated playing rugby , especially on cold winter mornings when the ground was as hard as concrete and the snow lay two feet deep .
4 Yeah but even so if you paid him forty eight pounds for an hour that 's still
5 The entire plot had worked even better than he had dared to hope .
6 He was holding up even better than he had hoped .
7 She had seen his point of view and expressed it even better than he did .
8 This question allows for the possibility of an actual mistake , big or small , as well as acknowledging that you can always do even better than you did .
9 The names worked even better than I expected .
10 Now if Kemp had been held up , for some reason , for even longer than he 'd expected … for considerably longer than he 'd expected …
11 I really did feel like a Queen for a moment , well , even longer when I found it was not a flash in the pan , but that they were really going to stay with us .
12 People marvelled at the way Lilly Foley ran such an elegant home when she had five rugby-playing lads to deal with , and marvelled even more that she had kept the handsome John Foley at her side .
13 I tried an abortive term at Durham University Drama Department and that made me realise even more that I wanted the real thing ; by then I had , in any case , worked the AIM stint and I did n't need theory ; I wanted practice .
14 She wished it even more after she dropped the message in the dead letter box , for there was one waiting to be collected .
15 On the other hand , the middle classes would have been shocked and appalled if the workers had actually asked for the sort of life they themselves took for granted , and even more if they had looked like achieving it .
16 Well because you 'd have to pay even more if you did it privately .
17 As the sky lightened even more and they began to make out their surroundings more clearly , Fenella and Caspar both found themselves looking out for the signs that Floy had hoped to leave .
18 It amused him even more and he looked down at her quizzically as she wrenched her arm from his grasp .
19 Her wings might be old and her talons blunt but strangely her illness had sharpened her mind even more and she knew that somehow a chance would come .
20 These figures were confirmed even more when we saw when we saw that we spent twenty five pound more a head of population on our schools than the average Metropolitan District .
21 I howled even more when I saw that everyone was laughing at me , Andreas , my mother , various passers by .
22 I was so disgusted with myself that I wanted to make myself suffer even more when I did — as I knew I would — break my word .
23 Jenna jumped up , agitated even more when he moved over to her .
24 The shrieking sent shivers up Tallis 's spine , and Wyn-rajathuk paled even more as he straightened and stared , alarmed , through the lodge walls , towards the mortuary hill .
25 Although time seems always to have been important for Petrarch , he tended to value it even more as he got older because he realized that , as with other things , it becomes more precious as it becomes less plentiful .
26 My own swollen hand seemed to hurt even more as I watched him .
27 Her pace slowed even more as she thought of the house dark and sour with grief .
28 I think that 'd go down bett or I mean even like when we did the pantomimes , you remember Cinderella we did ?
29 She wished even harder that she had gone with him .
30 This was proving even harder than she 'd anticipated , she thought , nervous hilarity bubbling up inside her .
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