Example sentences of "those who [vb past] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ lunatics ’ , in contrast to those who proclaimed their rationality , offered no justifications beyond a dislike for non-whites or a liking for violence .
2 All too often , however , we see him angry , hurt , suspicious of friends as much as enemies , rarely grateful to those who stuck their necks out on his behalf , working obsessively at powerfully emotional works while seemingly ignoring the emotions generated by the domestic chaos around him .
3 To most of those who knew him Henry was just eccentric enough to be terrifyingly normal , and even his carefully calculated bitterness , the quality of which , on the whole , he was most proud , had become , in early middle age , a Nice Dry Sense of Humour .
4 All the bravado about earning his living , enjoying comedy and making the faces cut little ice with those who knew his capabilities .
5 The members who got most out of it , and were most appreciated by the Boards , were those who saw their role as a symbiotic mixture of representing consumer complaints to managers and presenting a favourable public relations image for the Board .
6 Those who followed his career in television , from the role of humble assistant film editor , up through the features department of Granada Television , through to his incredibly successful period as editor of the BBC magazine programme , Holiday '76 , knew him to be resourceful , keen , and deeply aware , not only of the problems of travel — his chosen speciality — but also-of such things as cuisine and interior design . ’
7 David Owen , who , though he could not save his two remaining SDP MPs , came out for John Major and confounded those who said his support was the kiss of Dr Death .
8 The generational nature of the Takeshita faction 's split was underlined by the fact that 19 of the 23 first and second-term lower house members of the faction were among those who transferred their loyalty to Hata and Ozawa .
9 Dread filled those who heard his words .
10 Charles repeatedly threatened this for those who flouted his authority .
11 This attitude was kept alive by the strong sense of the permanence of human arrangements in the matter of property , which seems to us of all things the least permanent : gifts to the Church were made to last till the Day of Judgement , and many of the documents in the Canterbury archives invoked God and all his saints on the Day of Judgement to destroy those who violated their provisions .
12 The departure of Sir Reginald Dorman-Smith was regretted by those who shared his emphasis on the political issues .
13 Those who shared his belief in the ultimate weapon , Pentagon chiefs and Congressional hawks , put pressure on the President .
14 For once , those who commanded His Majesty 's armed forces made a sensible decision .
15 They record him burning with anger against those who practised their faith at the expense of others .
16 But he praised the forgiveness of Mr Peacock 's wife , Sandra who had told him : ‘ There is no hatred in my heart for those who killed my husband ’ .
17 More particularly , those who owed their careers and their satisfactions to grammar schools , or were headmasters of them , feared that the progressive elimination of those schools might make it more difficult for the maintained sector to compete effectively with the independent schools .
18 Some bishops , notably those who owed their promotions to James ( such as Thomas Cartwright of Chester and Samuel Parker of Oxford ) , supported the Indulgence , and encouraged their clergy to deliver addresses of thanks for that part of Declaration in which James promised he would continue to protect the Church of England .
19 They should play an active part in assessing their own progress through discussion with those who read their writing — their peers , teachers or other adults .
20 ‘ Tho ’ I was young Thomas Chatterton to those I met , I was a very Proteus to those who read my Works ' : Chatterton 's story is mostly told by himself , and with a felicity of cadence and of reference which can be caught in the sentence I have just quoted .
21 Should we criticise for those who read our work , or merely for ourselves ?
22 But those who read his work , and might potentially have taken up the challenges it provoked , generally modified the project in ways that made it unrecognizable .
23 It had a marked effect on those who read his poetry , and a few years later Leonard was to find himself tutored by one of Pound 's most sympathetic admirers and directed to the understanding of the American 's verse , somewhat to Leonard 's concern , as we shall see .
24 He warned those who read his recollections : The circumstances …
25 Not only was it a cornerstone of Paul 's faith , he intended it to be a promise and a challenge to those who read his letter , whether in the Roman empire of his day , or Devon in 1992 .
26 Progress towards this happy state would be hindered by revolution ; some of those who read his book might have been inspired to take some practical action , so in order to make clear his position Godwin produced a pamphlet in 1795 entitled Considerations on Lord Grenville ‘ s and Mr. Pitt 's Bills in which he supported the government 's repression of ‘ agitators and democrats ’ .
27 By now , though , he was tired of Barbados , particularly its narrowness of spirit ; they expressed their appreciation of his runs by refusing to allow him , as a black man , to practise at Kensington Oval , and he believed there were still those who resented his success and thought him the same ‘ bighead ’ as at school .
28 Her life is described over at least two pages and is very dramatic — she lived in Italy where she was much courted because of her great beauty but she eventually married ‘ the very worst of those who sought her hand ’ — Paulo Neroni .
29 She sends a message of thanks to all those who made her birthday so happy and memorable .
30 But those who made their fortunes in trade were despised by most members of the middle classes and all of the upper classes .
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