Example sentences of "those who [adv] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Working for Patients aims to further introduce market forces into the NHS in an attempt to achieve its stated objectives of better healthcare and choice for patients and greater satisfaction and rewards for those who successfully respond to local needs and preferences .
2 Information for those who wish to return , for those who may return at some future date , and those who just wish to be kept abreast of developments should be incorporated .
3 An upholstered armchair , a cream cake , a flat desk-top , are all objects of luxury to those who finally return to ‘ stumble around their own culture with the clumsiness of returned astronauts , to be simply uncritically grateful to be a Westerner , living in a culture that seems suddenly very precious and vulnerable ’ .
4 The event was attended by those who generously contributed to the project , by representatives from the RAF and by local dignitaries .
5 In fact , those who most seem to be themselves appear to me people impersonating what they think they might like to be , believe they ought to be , or wish to be taken to be by whoever is setting standards .
6 But perhaps those who most objected to Hitlers painting being put on sale can take some consolation from the fact that it will not be taking pride of place in Mr Sullivans living room :
7 At a more subtle level , in both Richard III and Julius Caesar there is a sense in which disregarding portents is part of a more general characterization — of individuals who have taken their destiny into their own hands , or think they have , in contrast to those who consciously submit to their fate.6 However the context in which dreaming is used in the plot has to be constructed to suit the play — the ideology of the culture in which it is set must condition the characters ' responses .
8 It will be difficult if not impossible to secure payment from those who frequently move to another address .
9 Shareholder apathy tends to work in the bidder 's favour because the 75 per cent majority is based on those who actually come to the meeting and vote ( or vote by proxy ) .
10 One Gallup survey of church-goers reveals that ‘ fifty-eight per cent of those who now go to church regularly , first began going when they were invited by someone they knew .
11 Since the characters that helped the individual to succeed in the battle were the traditional Protestant virtues of enterprise , initiative and thrift , Spencer could project his philosophy as a new foundation for traditional morality , despite its tendency to encourage indifference to the suffering of those who still needed to be taught a lesson by a wise but harsh Nature .
12 In literature , music , the cinema ( at least in Europe ) and painting , works of art are more cerebral than ever , more difficult , more inaccessible , less penetrable , not just by the masses whose interests are so patronisingly espoused by politicians but also ( even though they dare not always admit it ) by those who really want to be involved .
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