Example sentences of "those [Wh pn] [am/are] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The more frequently graded tests are used , the better will be the understanding of those who are to rely on them for the selection of candidates .
2 Though you will be wasting one costs draftsman 's fee , it may be a very small penalty to pay to test the accuracy of those who are dealing with your bills .
3 For many of those who are disabled from birth or during childhood , special education is obviously necessary .
4 Well the motives are to offer more choice , to provide more competition in the credit card market and a better deal for customers and , to the extent that there are prices changes , we 'd expect them to be beneficial , particularly to those who are buying with cash or debit cards rather than credit cards .
5 So , as the song has it , we do what comes naturally , and we ‘ naturalize ’ those whom we adopt fully into our own community — those who are born into it need only be ‘ socialized ’ .
6 Those who are born in the Third World have a considerably smaller chance of surviving childhood than those born here — and the same was true of those born in the West a hundred years ago .
7 We send in negative data on our peers — those who are competing with us for more powerful positions .
8 The opposite problem is experienced by those who are lacking in confidence , who feel that they should not worry other people with their problems and who , if they finally make an appointment , tend to rush through it and come away without covering all the points with which they had really hoped to deal .
9 Among Asians it affects particularly those who are separated from their families .
10 Robespierre 's experiment was , scarcely surprisingly , a dismal failure ; and while the delicious dream of a universal , natural and reasonable religion may have an understandable attraction for those who are influenced by but not wholly committed to Christian ( or some other ) belief , it does not appear capable of offering any very stable resting-place , or any adequate defence against the more radical challenges to religion as such which have been raised from without and within Christian theology in modern times .
11 The values of the Catholic teacher are , therefore , placed against the values of the non-Catholic teacher ; especially those who are engaged in work for the community college .
12 Could I just conclude Moderator by saying that those who are engaged in ACTS the churches which are participating members of this action of churches together in Scotland are engaged in a journey together .
13 Such a committee might also help to satisfy those who are given to complaining about the choice of hymns .
14 Conservative criminology concentrates on crimes committed by those it considers members of the dangerous classes , those who are seen as part , either of the criminal underworld , or of the lumpenproletariat .
15 Those who are fascinated by the minutiae of stratigraphical correlation may be horrified at my generalisations .
16 There are those who are hailed as the backbone of ‘ the nation ’ , and who are often idealized as the defenders of ‘ ancient liberties and laws ’ associated with the ‘ free-born Englishman ’ ; and there are those who are denigrated as a ‘ race ’ apart , the ‘ enemy within ’ , the ‘ Other England ’ .
17 It 's a fight against all that dehumanises , blocks and blights those who are made in God 's image and do n't know their God-given potential in the present and in a future which goes beyond the grave .
18 There are those who are calling for improved minimum standards at rallies .
19 Although there are those who are calling for France to withdraw the franc from the European exchange rate mechanism and reduce interest rates to stimulate the economy , the likely candidates for prime minister all agree that the present policy of keeping the franc aligned with the German mark is the right one .
20 Yet the phrase had remained with him , particularly in its darker aspect , the way it appears to most of those who are bound by the puritan ethic , not as a haven to live in and enjoy but as a paradise to be expelled from .
21 It hits hardest those who are poorest , and , in this group , those who are struck by unemployment suffer the penalties for longer and longer periods .
22 That 's the people who I would think more probable for those who are living on campus .
23 For now , many companies are offering optional metering and some — those who are living in high ratable properties and do n't use much water , for example — this can be a way to cut down costs .
24 Those who are living in No. 10 have the real influence . ’
25 Even if those who are living in institutions are excluded , it is estimated that half of old people under 75 and about two-thirds of those over 75 are suffering from a long-standing illness in addition to normal minor ailments .
26 ‘ Communists , friends of the people , unite with us to drive out those who are profiting from your hard toil , those who steal the food from your tables and live off the sweat of ordinary people .
27 The Pope is the Vicar of Christ on earth , and it may be that on the basis of Freud 's analysis there is an important difference between those who are loved by the Pope as well as , and on behalf of , Christ , and those who are not loved by the Pope , and may indeed be actively hostile to him or his representatives .
28 Those who are baptised into the Catholic tradition seek understanding of this content through Christian revelation and the privileged signs or sources of revelation are found in : the Bible , Liturgy , the teaching of the Church and Christian witness .
29 In large measure , these differences are due to the criticisms of the Aristotelian scheme made by some of those who are treated in this book , and in its companion , The Rationalists .
30 THOSE who are charged with looking after the royal stables are given the title of equerry , but this has nothing to do with equus , the Latin word for a horse .
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