Example sentences of "those [Wh pn] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ROBIN Leigh-Pemberton , Governor of the Bank of England , is among those who at one time have felt the tug of proportional representation , which Paddy Ashdown is saying he will demand in return for his support in a hung parliament .
2 ’ These stones were laid by 100 of those who through great persecution , boldly and conscientiously served their God . ’
3 There were the people who were in favour of ‘ baiting the goons ’ and those who for various reasons thought this was ‘ bad Policy ’ .
4 Those who want to be paid-up , signed-up members and those who for one reason or another do not actually want to become a member but are keen to be kept informed , involved and used as the occasion demands .
5 As the days pass in this unfamiliar environment , some patients ( particularly those with deficient vision and hearing , and those who for one reason or another do not read a daily newspaper ) can lose track of the time of day , the day of the week and the day of the month .
6 It has often and justly been observed that real indoctrination goes undetected except by those who for other reasons have cause to question the content of the beliefs and values into which they are being pushed .
7 The only people who had trouble in adjusting to work were those who for some reason deviated from this model — either by going up the social scale or by going down it ( social mobility is more fully discussed by Geoff Payne in this volume ) .
8 He rebuked those who refused to read the Scriptures in the vulgar tongue and discouraged others from doing so , as well as those who by inordinate reading , indiscreet speaking , contentious disputing and slander hindered the Word of God .
9 Walcott suggested there was a three-fold division in the House of Commons at this time : the government interest , which comprised placemen , pensioners and those who in other ways were dependent upon the Court for their position ; a large body of independent back-bench MPs ; and a middle group of professional politicians , which could be divided into seven " connections " , each tied together by family and personal relationships and electoral interests , and which were caught in a struggle for power between the " ins " and " outs " .
10 As much because of what is left unsaid as because of what is directly described , The Albatross is one of those exceptions which suggest that the junior adventure story has always suffered under unnecessary limitations : the names that stand out in the genre are those who in various ways have ignored or overridden these limitations .
11 Whilst Underwood 's somewhat arbitrary classification is now little used , the patterns which he detected , multi-strand lines and spirals , continue to be found by those who in some cases have had little contact with his original work .
12 The Frankie character is one of those who in any crisis acts swiftly , decisively and disastrously .
13 For the most part , however , those who in this century have disliked or feared democracy , at least in the sense of popular power , have found more subtle and sophisticated ways of formulating these traditional sentiments .
14 In a way , this attitude is similar to that of those who in earlier centuries discouraged scientific investigation by saying that all natural phenomena were the work of God and should not be inquired into .
15 It is neither composed of VC holders or aspirants nor of those who in earlier days would have been shot for cowardice .
16 This notion of the instrumental object as an extension of being should not , however , be reduced to a relationship of efficiency , since an agriculturalist may wax more lyrical about a musical instrument than a plough , and the microcomputer 's popularity may be greater among those who in common parlance ‘ waste time ’ in obsessive programming or games , than among those who use it as a practical means to some other end .
17 In this epistle he indicates that he himself , at the time of writing , is a solitary attracted by the disciplined life of service in a religious order , but does not feel any burning conviction that that is his calling : I confess , alas , that I do not feel that burning spiritual desire for entry into religion , inspired by that divine grace , as it ought to be felt by those who from zealous devotion and pure desire of the mind plan to enter religion …
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