Example sentences of "those [Wh pn] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 With a price tag of £415,000 , some of those who signed up for the XJ 220 are backing out , despite having paid a deposit of £50,000 .
2 I do n't think this was the case , though , as many women did conform and those who stuck out in the way of Madeline Vesey Neroni and Mrs. Proudie were few and far between — few dared to be too independent or to try and think for themselves .
3 Those who sit back in politics can quickly find that others have moved on .
4 In particular , he will consider the problems faced by those who come back from Germany who may be made redundant and ensure that they have somewhere to live while they are looking for a job .
5 But there was a limit to what Mr Aczel , the party 's ideologist , could tolerate and the gradual thaw was frequently punctuated with repressive measures against those who fell out of line .
6 His generosity to his friends was matched by vindictiveness to those who fell out of his favour .
7 Putting aside his choice of partner , the lady who publicly declared her support for the barbaric practice of ‘ necklacing ’ those who step out of line , there is his friendship with Col Gaddafi , who is said to have paid the bill for the ANC leader 's recent tour of North Africa , as well as contributing $135,000 to Mrs Mandela 's defence .
8 The decision means those who invested up to £50,000 will get 90 per cent of their money , those who put in between £50,000 and £100,000 will receive 80 per cent , and those over £100,000 will get 60 per cent .
9 Employers may also offer support and assistance to those who stay on at school or go into further/higher education .
10 Only the ‘ other neurotic ’ group were indistinguishable as children from those who grew up to be well ; if anything , their home lives were slightly more adequate than those of the comparison group .
11 Right-wing clergy have either kept silent on the issue of human rights or bracketed those who speak out as supporters of subversion .
12 And through this , Charles inspired awe in those who fought along with him and encouraged them all to a confident hope that things would go well for them .
13 In his handling of the event at the time " to inspire awe in those who fought along with him " , Charles again showed a talent for exploiting symbols .
14 So powerful were the effects of this philosophy that to those who looked down from a higher level in society , the suffering became invisible ; or if not invisible , then transparent , and their view was not arrested by it but looked through it at what they took to be economic verities beyond .
15 To be serious , there will inevitably be those who go down with flu in the last week before the race , and those with lower leg pain which is genuinely becoming worse day by day , rather than better .
16 We will continue to pay , from April 1993 , a rebate at the level recommended by the Government Actuary for all those who contract out of the State Earnings-Related Pension Scheme .
17 Those who went off to South Africa were duly banned .
18 He could not abide those who went in for exhibitionism , considering such to be irreligious .
19 Those who went down to the Mall to look also noticed bare-breasted lesbians , some with rings through their nipples ; men in leather trousers and studded harnesses ; and T-shirts proclaiming ‘ Every tenth Jesus is a queer . ’
20 Four out of 10 shoppers believe that supermarkets selling " environment-friendly " products do so to exploit the market and not out of a genuine concern to protect the earth , according to Mintel. 10 per cent of respondents in the Mintel survey believed that companies were hiding behind a green " front " , and those who went out of their way to buy green products did so " in spite of corporate public relations efforts " .
21 Between them , the Quakers and the Christian Council looked after about twenty per cent of those who came over on the Kindertransporte .
22 Those who came up from the Kinlochleven side may climb Am Bodach with the plan to turn east and do Na Gruagaichean , or carry on westwards for Stob Ban .
23 Those who kept up at the front got back to the barracks first , got into the showers first , got dressed first , and were ready downstairs in combat kit for our first singing lesson with Sergeant Moustaine .
24 Having survived the early years of childhood , unlike so many of his siblings , he had been struck down by that other malady which afflicted a tragically high proportion of those who lived on into teenage years and beyond .
25 The decision means those who invested up to £50,000 will get 90 per cent of their money , those who put in between £50,000 and £100,000 will receive 80 per cent , and those over £100,000 will get 60 per cent .
26 Sure enough , the effect of age on preparedness to break the law is larger ( +0.250 ) among those with low education than among those who stayed on at school or college beyond 15 ( 0.143 ) .
27 The fragments may be eaten there and then or tucked away beside the column to be collected when the hunt is over and taken back to feed the queen and those who stayed back in camp to tend and protect her .
28 Pray that God would make leaders be those who look out with compassion and take steps to speak often to others about Jesus .
29 At first the numbers of those who tuned in to the BBC were modest in comparison to those who listened to Pétain 's homilies on Radio Vichy .
30 Cultural marginality , which encompasses the culture of poverty concept ( Lewis 1966 ) , has been largely discredited because of the implication that traits such as apathy and passivity , which are the hallmarks of the culture of poverty , are very strongly imbedded in those who grow up in such a culture and therefore prevent them responding positively if opportunities arise .
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