Example sentences of "those [noun pl] you [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Like — like those cases you see in the newspapers ?
2 The ‘ villas ’ ( Dutch for ‘ chalet ’ ) are identikit , standardised boxes , and nestled between the trees they look rather like those huts you see in documentaries about Stalin 's relocation policies .
3 Those designs you did in St Lucia , ’ he said finally , his tone thoughtful .
4 Those flares you fired for the war you ended are still burning for the peace that you won .
5 I was just about to say something like " What 's the idea of all those tricks you play on me ? " when I took my first look at the dog and everything else fled from my mind .
6 You , you had to in those days you had to sort of er use your common sense because if you had a big healthy baby it 's a long while to go right through ten o'clock at night till six o'clock the next morning .
7 And er during the , course in those days you stayed in bed for ten days , you were supposed to at any rate .
8 Tony and I contemplate the likelihood that on this Scandinavian plane we will have one of those stewardesses you see in the adverts — — all blonde hair and curves .
9 I ALWAYS thought lesbianism was one of those things you had to be born with , like the ability to do the splits .
10 I go for those things you forget about until you see them again .
11 One of those things you forget about when away , then meet with surprised pleasure on a return .
12 He went on admiring them in the face of the snobbish dismissal of them by many artists of the Hague school , who sneered at woodcuts as ‘ those things you find in the South Holland Café . ’
13 I could n't I was , you know I think when you go to those things you have to be in it .
14 Was there anything in those files you talked about ? ’
15 Personally I 'd rather buy a pack of cards and play the game for real , or buy one of those magazines you find on the top shelf of the newsagents .
16 or erm one of those bags you know with all the bits and bobs in
17 ‘ That is when you will discover if all those decisions you took during the last three years were the right ones .
18 ‘ He is one of those players you want in your side because you know he will be superb week-in , week-out .
19 Those scenes you suggested to her — she does n't want to take her clothes off , and I have to say I " " WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE WO N'T TAKE HER CLOTHES OFF !
20 In July 1642 George Campbell writing from Ballicastell to his brother Colin Campbell , the tutor , was complaining concerning those men you wrote of to me which came from Ila .
21 Those men you spoke with .
22 ‘ We see you with all those whores you go with ! ’
23 Or do you intend obeying only those laws you agree with ? ’
24 And much more fun than those puzzles you get in crackers .
25 ‘ Facts … like all those facts you had on those sheets this morning ? ’
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