Example sentences of "want to [be] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It also may be the first single to have celebrated the guitarist as icon and as such has been the target of many awful cover versions by people like Michael J Fox , who want to be guitar heroes .
2 I think my first issue was about September 1970 and do I recall a two-page debate along the lines of ‘ Does Bob Dylan Really Want To Be Elvis Presley ? ’
3 ‘ They wo n't do it — they all want to be air hostesses these days . ’
4 Sequent is aiming the product at users that want to be Teradata owners but can not afford it .
5 ‘ The truth about chaps who want to be father figures , ’ remarked Lili , ‘ is that they actually want a mummy figure themselves .
6 But this ‘ labour market ’ has resulted in scarcities for the least desirable jobs and regions ( even despite generous wage incentives not enough people want to be coal miners in Siberia ) .
7 But Phillip Chubb is in our group And he wants to be Robin Hood And Ann Boot is sulking because she 's not with her friend And I do n't see why I should be wood .
8 Offer him the choice of any face and he wants to be Paul Newman , not Broderick Crawford : ‘ Would n't everybody choose someone better looking ? ’
9 She wants to be Violet Elizabeth Bott ; the screeching , lithping , secretly smart brat who hung around with the nice-but-dim lads until she annoyed them into letting her join the band .
10 Fred finds out why Garry Schofield wants to be Leeds captain again
11 Jeff Coons , one of the young bad boys of current art , wants to be porno star next .
12 He wants to be Northern Ireland secretary .
13 ‘ We did n't want to be press barons ’ , observes Miles .
14 They did n't want to be press barons , says Miles , they wanted a community paper , and it had n't even been easy to find an editor amongst the founding group , preoccupied as they were with art galleries and bookshops , theatre companies and poetry , and preoccupied also with that sense of freedom , and the breaking down of national barriers which had accompanied the explosion of travel in the 1960s .
15 He did n't want to be Florence Nightingale and the legless lieutenant , he wanted to be Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid .
16 The engine will also be offering lessons on the footplate to all those who really did want to be engine drivers when they grew up , with the help of an experienced fireman .
17 Did Green want to be news editor ? asked Marcuson , by now eased into the editor 's chair .
18 I said , ‘ I do n't want to be Lord Mayor of London .
19 That they did not want to be wage slaves in a factory .
20 I do n't want to be mister average so we 'll go for the fifty five .
21 Pepsi and Shirlie may not have reached George 's superstar status but they know the direction they 're moving in — ‘ We do n't want to be bubblegum one-hit-wonders .
22 Unlike most of my contemporaries , who at a similar age had wanted to be train drivers , I wanted to fly .
23 ‘ Kirk wanted to be Burt Lancaster — he 's wanted to be Burt Lancaster all his life , ’ he said .
24 There was a time when most young boys wanted to be engine drivers when they grew up .
25 Her instinct was to drive — to get in the car , go home , and be safe — resume the life of an apprentice who wanted to be champion jockey .
26 John : I wanted to be mid-Atlantic man Now I 'm going bloody
27 He was n't all that sure he wanted to be Mr Beta .
28 Other boys wanted to be the Beatles ; Lloyd Webber wanted to be Richard Rodgers .
29 The young Edwyn Collins wanted to be Holden Caulfield .
30 ‘ Kirk wanted to be Burt Lancaster — he 's wanted to be Burt Lancaster all his life , ’ he said .
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