Example sentences of "many part [prep] the world " in BNC.

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1 Although it is associated with Italy , similar peasant foods are found in many parts of the world — from noodles in China to pierogi , the ravioli-like dish , from Poland .
2 It has also contributed greatly to the funding for grass roots tennis in many parts of the world .
3 In many parts of the world , fish are still being caught by bow and arrow and it was a bowstring which first put Chilton , a Bolton lorry driver , on to the potential of the high-performance polyethylene fibres .
4 For both Engels and Morgan the league typified a general political stage , and Engels argued that it could be found elsewhere in many parts of the world .
5 In an age where the ability of the land to produce more food than is required for many parts of the world is a fact of life , the argument for organic farming methods has never been stronger .
6 ‘ Britain has consistently made significant contributions to United Nations peacekeeping operations in many parts of the world , ’ he said .
7 Temperatures would drop below freezing in many parts of the world and , even if the war occurred in summer , many areas would have snowfall for months .
8 In some instances , their work supplements the work of professionally-trained personnel ; in other situations , they function independently of professionals ; and in many parts of the world they are the only people available to provide front-line services to people in need .
9 Interox has manufacturing sites in many parts of the world , with capacity currently being increased in Belgium , Spain , Thailand , the US and UK .
10 Diarrhetic shellfish toxins have had a disastrous effect on the seafood industry in many parts of the world .
11 Fish , such as the ornate Porcupine Fish and Lion Fish and the colourful Domino Damsels , Koran Angels , Tomato Clownfish , Red-tailed Blenny and Striped Sweetlips — colourful names to describe colourful creatures from fragile marine habitats gravely threatened by pollution in many parts of the world .
12 Casts of the stomach cavities have been described from Precambrian rocks in many parts of the world , and many different Precambrian jellyfish have now been named .
13 In a general sense the evidence examined in Chapter 2 ( that in many parts of the world , soil erosion , floods , soil degradation and deforestation were probably getting worse ) could be used in a crude sense to show that conservation policies have not succeeded .
14 This was the pattern of first railways in many parts of the world and it was to produce in Australia great complexities of gauge , rolling stock , and working systems .
15 Further work from many parts of the world have demonstrated chlamydia in a proportion of patients with non-gonococcal infection and , when they have been tested , in their sexual partners .
16 Support for the drug among women has been further heightened by the rise in anti-abortion activism in many parts of the world , which is steadily gaining ground and fighting hard to have RU 486 banned .
17 Without the humble bus , travel in many parts of the world would be almost impossible .
18 The effect on people of different weather conditions ( also known as human climatology ) is taken very seriously and is being researched and studied in many parts of the world .
19 Similar attitudes to the natural world persisted until very recently , and are still prevalent in many parts of the world , especially in rural areas .
20 There is a brick-built two-storey Customs House , built in 1681 , and the museum itself contains boats of all kinds from many parts of the world .
21 The Longhorn faded into relative obscurity quite quickly , once it had been overshadowed by the new Shorthorns , but the latter spread to many parts of the world , improving local cattle and forming the basis of countless new breeds .
22 That little Chinese painting in its neat black and gold frame and with Seto More 's inscription and ‘ chop ’ on the back has hung on our walls in many parts of the world ever since and it is still admired here in England .
23 It should not be forgotten either that in this so-called era of peace , there are wars going on in many parts of the world which means that some people are living in an unsafe environment and in constant danger .
24 The coal was stocked for bunkering ships in the ports in many parts of the world .
25 Resistance , other than to the organocholorines , is confined so far to only five important malaria vectors so the potential for chemical control still exists in many parts of the world It is very easy to advocate the use of alternatives to these chemicals but if you examine those for vector control in detail you will find that most are directed against the aquatic stages of the mosquito and few cases of adequate malaria control by such an attack on any significant scale can be cited .
26 The net result has been a marked resurgence of the disease in many parts of the world to what some people , including the famous American malariologist Paul Russel , consider to be levels that existed before the Second World War .
27 G. affinis is a small ( 4.6 cm long ) , surface-feeding minnow which originated in the United States and has been used for many years in many parts of the world to control mosquito larvae .
28 After promising laboratory trials at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine , at the Institut Pasteur in Paris , and at several other important centres , BTI is now being tested in the field in many parts of the world .
29 Good thatch is difficult to obtain in many parts of the world , and in the Indian State of Kamataka peasants now have to buy bamboo at 1200 rupees a tonne on the free market ( about £80 a tonne ) whereas the paper industry is still able to get it at 15 rupees a tonne ( £1 ) from the government 's reserved forests .
30 Rhynchosaurs did not diversify — radiate — into so many different forms and niches as many other major groups of animals , but they are known from many parts of the world and they certainly did change and evolve with time .
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