Example sentences of "because of [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Bilal and Samir returned home to Lebanon , but doctors feared there would be a setback in their recovery because of conditions in the Bourj al Barajneh refugee camps and the lack of medical facilities there .
2 The year 1988 was another difficult one for OPEC , not only due to problems over quotas but also because of signs of a possible sequel to 1986 .
3 Because of the varied nature of this sector and because of criticism of the term informal sector , itself , other attempts to clarity and analyse this area have been made .
4 ( There is still uncertainty as to whether this clause has any practical effect on schools , because of vagueness in the wording of the amendment .
5 Attention has been given to predicting admission to long-term care because of concerns about the processes and mechanisms by which places are allocated .
6 However , because of concerns about the long-term efficacy and safety of class I drugs in patients with advanced and progressive structural heart disease , we no longer use these agents alone in cardiac arrest survivors in the absence of an ICD .
7 It was agreed in principle by the 16 NATO and seven Warsaw Pact countries at a conference in Ottawa , Canada , in February 1990 [ see pp. 37259-60 ] but then stalled because of concerns by the Soviet Union and its disintegration .
8 It pointed out that a prolonged period of profits growth at ISC had ended because of insistence by the auditors that ISC adopt more conservative accounting policies on long term contracts .
9 We do not demand a ban on all sterilisation just because some women are forced to be sterilised , we do not even attack the whole concept of a well are state just because of abuses like the cohabitation rule , so why oppose pay for childcare solely because it might be abused ?
10 Common costing books : in some industries where there may be variation in the form of the finished product because of variation in the buyer 's specifications ( for example , industrial engines , building services ) a book may be circulated by a trade association which shows how the overall cost of the specific product variant can be calculated .
11 They believe their children have asthma because of emissions from the two plants .
12 Three previous attempts by Scargill to get a strike declared ( in 1981 , 1982 and 1983 ) failed because of splits within the union .
13 The number density of ions in the torus varies , presumably because of variations in the volcanic activity of Io .
14 As a whole , argyrophil cell densities were smaller in 1989 than three years earlier , which may be a true time-related change in pernicious anaemia patients or a methodological failure caused by different staining intensities in different years and because of variations in the counting procedure of the cells in spite of the presence of the same observer .
15 That is not just because inflation is raging less fiercely than it was in the early 1980s , but also because of improvements in the way the labour market works .
16 If an individual claims to have suffered injustice because of maladministration by a local authority , the Commissioner for Local Administration may investigate the complaint on his behalf .
17 The sixteenth and seventeenth centuries saw some redistribution of the population , for the towns grew faster than the villages because of immigration from the countryside .
18 In his City of London speech traditionally delivered at the Mansion House , but staged this year in the Guildhall , because of refurbishment of the usual venue the Chancellor endorsed Norman Lamont 's plans to raise £10bn over the next two years by slapping VAT on home fuel bills and raising National Insurance contributions .
19 In his City of London speech traditionally delivered at the Mansion House , but staged this year in the Guildhall , because of refurbishment of the usual venue the Chancellor endorsed Norman Lamont 's plans to raise £10bn over the next two years by slapping VAT on home fuel bills and raising National Insurance contributions .
20 The delay was partly because of disagreements over the allocation of contracts for the construction of 36,000 apartments for returning soldiers at a cost to Germany of DM7,800 million .
21 Negotiations between Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union which ended on Nov. 16 were unsuccessful , reportedly because of disagreements on a rate for turning Czechoslovakia 's trade surplus with the Soviet Union into convertible currency .
22 He later resigned as master because of disagreements with the fellows .
23 The only division to show a fall-off in profits has been the foods ingredients where profits fell from £10.8 million to £9.1 million because of difficulties in the bread market and the temporary impact of the closure of the Gainsborough plant .
24 Because of complaints about the noise .
25 This happens because of changes at the synapses between motor and sensory cells .
26 They are also faced with an increasing need to diversify because of changes in the Common Agricultural Policy to counter the problem of over-production , and a consequent decline in farming income .
27 This turned out to be impracticable , partly because they were needed for training and also had to be moved between aerodromes because of changes in the strategic and tactical situation , but also , more importantly , just how do you build an aeroplane for one flight only ?
28 Others argued with the view I expressed that life these days , because of changes in the law over the years , is better and fairer for women .
29 Unemployment always rises in recessions , but this time it is more serious , warn the doomsters : the lost jobs will not return when economies pick up because of changes in the technology and organisation of industry , and stiffer competition from developing countries .
30 For example , metal contamination is sometimes found in bore-hole water only at certain times in the year , possibly because of changes in the ground-water level , and normal sampling may show negative results for most of the remainder of the time .
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