Example sentences of "because it be [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Once you begin lying , it is hard not to go on because it is impossible to explain why you lied in the first place .
2 Perhaps the most important of these is the difficulty of long-term planning , because it is impossible to predict what events will be brought before the courts , and how the courts will decide upon them .
3 To some extent , the conveyancer takes a risk in providing a fixed quotation , because it is impossible to predict how much work will be necessary in order to complete the transaction .
4 screening investment proposals , because it is impossible to conduct an extensive analysis on all possible projects and alternative versions of projects
5 On the contrary , standards require that the information system is consulted at all times , not only because it is impossible to memorise everything but also because it is likely that facts have changed since they were last consulted .
6 Because it is impossible to use a shield while swinging a halberd this trooper wears a substantial suit of armour to protect him .
7 However , as the operator traces a line extra errors arise because it is impossible to follow the centre of the line exactly and some displacement of the cursor on either side of the line is inevitable .
8 This is because it is essential to have a good command of both before trying to combine them .
9 Indirect evidence may also help the historian to examine population variations , because it is reasonable to infer that these caused economic changes , some of which can be measured over wider and more representative areas .
10 A BUS firm 's decision to scrap a service because it is unprofitable has sparked a local outcry .
11 This generally , occurs because it has been decided to reduce the provisions sought in an estimate , or because it is necessary to take account of the consequences of transferring the functions of one department to another .
12 Because it is necessary to include subjects from the other discipline from the first year onwards it is very difficult , although not impossible , to complete a mixed honours degree programme incorporating all the ‘ professional ’ law courses .
13 Because it is necessary to record the value of members ' holdings , the vote must be taken by way of a poll .
14 But this is not possible because it is necessary to approach each of these aspects differently to get the required results .
15 Now family reasons can be anything from baby 's colic to a wife running off with the milkman , and there is no arguing with them , because it is indelicate to inquire further , and potentially embarrassing to boot .
16 There are three basic misconceptions which are especially common : first , that doubt is wrong because it is the same thing as unbelief ; second , that doubt is a problem which troubles faith but not knowledge ; and third , that doubt is something to be ashamed of because it is dishonest to believe if you have doubts .
17 In this chapter we will examine a third misconception about doubt — the idea that doubt is something to be ashamed of because it is dishonest to believe if you have doubts .
18 " Force " is an ordinary English word , apparently chosen because it is comprehensible to lay people .
19 Social-security is not out of control ; the CBO projections for it were almost unrevised , because it is simple to work out who is eligible for pensions .
20 Downflow is the most widely adopted method because it is easy to arrange and it is the most traditional system .
21 The wife likes the car because it is easy to drive and to park .
22 Other mops in use are the domestic type sponge or squeegee mop which is useful for immediate floor spill control because it is easy to use and does not require a special mop bucket .
23 The basic technique is a little harder to get to grips with than painting and has a flatter , more geometric look , but it 's ideal for complex illustration because it is easy to edit precisely .
24 I suspect that [ the ] very absence of quality is what makes such stuff attractive to children , not just because it is easy to read , undemanding , untaxing , but because the simplistic plots and characters leave children free to embroider and enrich the stories in their own way as they read .
25 Aplysia may be a special case because it is easy to study , but it would be straining credulity to believe that it organized its learning behaviour along fundamentally different principles from those of other invertebrates , or indeed vertebrates with reasonably sized nervous systems .
26 Supervision is difficult because it is easy to start up without registering .
27 A system is a set of interacting parts which has meaning as a whole because it is possible to define a purpose — a reason why the parts are seen to be related to the whole and a justification for the concept of the whole ( Singleton , 1974 ) .
28 This in itself , however , will not guarantee success , because it is possible to live in an area and yet isolate oneself from the local inhabitants .
29 Because it is possible to turn the regressed patient into an observer rather than into someone undergoing the experience she was able to tell me everything that had happened in precise detail .
30 In the case of hard tissue , like teeth and bones , the identification of homology is relatively straightforward because it is possible to compare present forms with the common ancestor and this can be used as an additional criterion for homology .
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