Example sentences of "because they be [adj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Toby because they 're late they 'll have to miss the video .
2 But because they 're black it do n't make no difference , do you know what I mean .
3 Because they 're frightened we will reveal their rottenness to the people , they 're frightened that we will reveal the truth to the people , and once the truth is revealed to the people they wo n't be able to cow them and keep them from making a free society , a society of human beings .
4 Because what we do n't have is people turning up to work because they 're afraid they 'll lose their job during these recessionary times .
5 That 's where people are supposed to hang their washing , but they do n't because they 're afraid it will get stolen .
6 But the Disablement Services Centre in Bristol , says it wo n't make Percy the artificial legs he needs , because they 're worried he may fall over .
7 These can be used as cut and sew but because they are softer they will also lend themselves to shaping into familiar garments , say blouson sweaters , jackets and so on .
8 Because they are small they do not give the audience the impression that you are reading from notes which does happen if your notes are on A4 size paper .
9 But sometimes because they are female they 're more suitable for interviewing men susceptible to so-called feminine charm . ’
10 Because they are semi-skilled they are low rated but they have got to learn to fit in with our ways you know .
11 In an interview on Feb. 4 , the Prince said that the Khmers Rouges had finally accepted the change " because they are aware they have become more and more isolated and hated on the international level " .
12 Because they are white I had not occasion to exercise any choice of colours , but I can scarcely knit everything in white .
13 Because they are Asian they give extra help .
14 Most will be reluctant to undergo assessment , either because they are involved in criminal activity or they expected to be subjected to a judgmental and disapproving attitude towards themselves , or because they are afraid their children may be removed from them .
15 This may all seem trivial , but I wonder how many fishkeepers have possibly given up the hobby at an early stage because they were unaware their fish were dying from nothing more sinister than overfeeding with resultant ammonia/nitrite stress — and nobody told them .
16 ‘ The majority of local authorities wo n't even publicise that they have a duty to provide because they were frightened it would result in a huge increase in demand they would be unable to cope with ’ , she said .
17 He said if anybody had to spend one night in a hostel because they were homeless it was too long and everything must be done to alleviate the situation .
18 Before , we were just listening to everybody else telling us to keep on playing and carry on doing this and that , but that was really just because they were afraid we were going to be a flash in the pan .
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