Example sentences of "because they [am/are] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 in theory they should not be able to talk to each-other because they 're either answering the phone and talking to somebody else bloody getting on looking at the screen and typing
2 The Jolly Roger makers say they 're confident THEY wo n't suffer a similar fate because they 're already selling the beer across the country from Blackpool to the Isle of Wight .
3 But I am wondering if they are tasks that have no appeal to you because they 're completely lacking in glamour . ’
4 I feel it 's taxpayers money being wasted yet again , because they 're just going over the same ground .
5 The reason I say it 's , it 's , the system 's too old to go back to the Japs and say get this sorted out , rewrite the software because they 're just gon na say not likely we have n't made it for ten years , or whatever seven or eight years or whatever it is , it 's out of date , they 're not gon na start working on the system that 's that old all they 'll want to do is to sell you a new one
6 It 's not as if I 'm going to run off and have affairs with them just because they 're physically appealing . ’
7 Not because they 're tastefully designed , extremely cleanly built and a pleasure to play — which they are — but because both the guitars we 've reviewed have a quality of sound that would rival a number of US-made guitars costing about twice the price .
8 Because they 're fucking got no
9 That things remain unconscious , not because you never knew about them , but because they 're never brought into the relevant connections with other things that make you conscious of the thing in the sense of seeing what 's in it for Mrs you know , reports .
10 Because they 're always spotted !
11 ‘ the social workers wo n't allocate the case because they 're short staffed — and they expect me to get Winnie moved . ’
12 ( ‘ And their void shields are overlapping because they 're so figging close together !
13 I never found it to be a boring job , erm if it is boring I think it 's because they 're only making it , if they make it that way and I think it 's partly due , if they , if people do talk that way then I think it 's partly due to the sort of duty systems that people work now , and erm the number of hours they work , and , and strangely for little things like the introduction of television , I think television , very nice in its way but it 's killed life on fire stations and in certain areas , cos the whole business of conversation and learning and so on has gone , people would much sooner sit nowadays in front of the television and be entertained for an evening , instead of using all the other skills and , and erm things that are offered to them .
14 Well it 's not encouraged is it , because they 're still told to ring the divisional telephone number
15 But it , you ca n't then put that information together with other information because they 're actually telling us different things , if you see what I mean ?
16 ‘ It 's more and more difficult to sell the fruit to supermarkets because they 're almost asking for the impossible , ’ he said .
17 Decisions to terminate legal assistance under rule twenty seven are different from other decisions made within the union , because they are invariably made on the express written recommendation of a specialist in law .
18 Rangers are winning matches because , from front to back , they are a side capable of beating the strong , not because they are regularly matched against the weak .
19 I think it 's actually a waste of time discussing that because they are already privatising the Health Service .
20 Red deer are ideal animals to be considered for such sustainable management , because they are already maintained by human intervention on open hill land , very different from the forest habitat which they once occupied in Scotland and still inhabit in the rest of Europe .
21 On the contrary , it is clear that some pressure groups and their campaigns are successful because they are the expressions of existing economic power , because they are lavishly financed , and because they are supported by " important " people rather than ordinary people .
22 Bank deposits , because they are freely accepted in payment/settlement of debts , form part of a country 's money supply .
23 ‘ Lacuna , the androids are ineffective because they are badly designed .
24 People who ‘ do n't mind ’ about anything are people unused to giving an opinion , probably because they are rarely asked for one .
25 ( I did n't catch these because they are rarely taken on rod and line , but herrings make excellent bait for skate and pike .
26 Their difficulty arises because they are implicitly using a classical concept of reality in which an object has a definite single history .
27 We shall also look at the Cinderellas of settlement studies — hamlets and farmsteads , which have received little attention but are of immense importance because they are widespread and because they are clearly related to both the origins and the decline of villages .
28 The presentation of policies in this section will be sketchy because they are generally covered more fully in the appropriate detailed chapter later in the book .
29 Certain groups are better rewarded , not because they are functionally more important than others , but because they are well organised in trade unions or professional associations , having developed and used strategies and ideologies which further their claims for differential rewards effectively .
30 The advisory team should enable the flow of relevant information on the pupils ' needs to reach the schools where they are placed and enable teachers and visually handicapped pupils to work in an effective way because they are well informed and well supported .
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