Example sentences of "because they [be] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 Teachers are seen in a more positive light , ‘ because they 're nice to us — because they 're learning us ’ .
2 Homeless people came up with the most poignant things , probably because they 're used to communicating this way . ’
3 Yeah , come out with look I mean right what happens any travel agent right will tell ya right that these are that there are huge corporates with massive opportunities for business in the corporate sector particularly on because they 're used to saying that the reps and in the main will buy that because they 'll be able to get something out of it .
4 It 's not as if it 'll frighten the horses , because they 're supposed to be colour blind : mind you , have seen some of the migraine colour schemes a racing cyclist friend wears I 'm not so sure about that !
5 They 'll get all worked up because they 're supposed to be fetching her .
6 Patterns are not practised merely because they exist , but because they are relevant to the learner 's needs .
7 I hope that in Committee he will listen to the pleas of Members representing Greater London and the south of England because they are dear to my heart and may to some extent be dear to his .
8 The " mosaic units phenomenon , observed by Moore , and proposed as a " spontaneous occurrence of order from randomly selected particles " offers further corroboration : certain sizes of tesserae and motifs are shown to provide maximum adaptability of design , because they are proportional to the abstract units most frequently produced by " processes of spontaneous ordering " .
9 They take this view because they are alive to the fact that since 1935 no government has been elected by a majority of the electorate and secured 50 per cent of the popular vote .
10 These words , ‘ allegiance ’ and ‘ committed users ’ are used deliberately because they are appropriate to many of the programmes for adults .
11 This is because they are close to the most frequently attacked scoring area .
12 A spokesman for North West Thames health authority said its hospitals in Hillingdon and Ealing were particularly badly affected , probably because they are close to Heathrow .
13 We would be wise to listen to those on the spot who have experience , because they are close to what is going on .
14 One source of recruitment has always been the armed services , not only because their staff have already been security vetted , but also because they are used to carrying out dull repetitive chores and filling out the endless paperwork that forms the major part of any intelligence operation .
15 They articulate well and do not run out of breath before the end of a sentence , because they are used to breathing adequately .
16 On the other hand , this is anathema to many accountants , particularly those involved in business , because they are used to seeing a single set of financial statements .
17 These commentators implicit that the differences are irreconcilable within philosophy ; they are beyond analysis or logic precisely because they are prior to the application of philosophical methods .
18 They have taken this position not because they are resistant to change , but because they believe that these proposals will politicise the British Police Service and they are in my view entirely right to have that view .
19 This is even more true of Savage Orc Boar Boyz because they are subject to frenzy , which means they have to charge enemy within reach whether you want them to or not .
20 Public enterprises , because they are subject to political control , are at most only partially affected by the discipline of the market ; as manifested , for example , in the often quoted platitude that public enterprises do not go bankrupt ( e.g. NEDO 1976 : 42 ) .
21 The big AGs ( PLCs ) have plenty of ‘ hidden reserves ’ because they are obliged to only reveal ‘ partial ’ operating profits publicly , so there is in fact much more money stashed away for takeovers than a glimpse at corporate balance sheets would suggest .
22 There is a danger that projects may be undertaken not because they are likely to lead to academically interesting results , but simply because they are susceptible to computerisation .
23 Kant talks of animals providing ‘ analogies ’ of human action and , in like manner , many everyday measures have a claim upon us only because they are analogous to more exemplary duties .
24 Some requests or demands are reasonable and fair , but others certainly might not be so because they fail to take into account the child 's right to his/her needs and point of view , or because they are inappropriate to his/her level of development .
25 Mass-spectrometry techniques ( see glossary ) are currently receiving attention because they are superior to other methods in sensitivity and the range of chemical elements to which they can be applied .
26 They 're eradicating tumours which might otherwise have to go untreated because they are inaccesible to the surgeon or unsuitable for other types of therapy .
27 They 're eradicating tumours which might otherwise have to go untreated because they are inaccesible to the surgeon or unsuitable for other types of therapy .
28 We can , we can badger our MPs and erm until they do and , and because they are oblivious to a lot of things that are going on in their own , you know till we put it in front of them .
29 Ministers may choose to delegate the carrying out of particular tasks to their subordinates , especially their permanent secretaries but , because they are answerable to Parliament , they will need to satisfy themselves that the delegated tasks are being performed satisfactorily .
30 But because they are supposed to be utterly other and not-us — the barbarians outside the city — and because we the powerful can not imagine the situation of being the victims of such a war , this normality is perceived as incomprehensible .
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