Example sentences of "because he could [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 In the absence of classes of phones or phonemes valid for all members of a linguistic community , all oral communication would cease , for every individual could talk intelligibly only to himself , because he could meaningfully use , actively and passively , only one set of phones , namely his own .
2 John survived only because he could not settle in the cabin with his brother and sister .
3 John escaped death because he could not settle in the doomed cabin where 15-year-old Catherine and 12-year-old James were sleeping .
4 He failed because he could not carry his sergeants with him and because of the jealousy of ecclesiastical Santiago against mercantile Corunna .
5 One reason why the ‘ Other Minds ’ problem was so important for Wittgenstein was because he could not dissolve it without revising the view he had taken on this point when he wrote the Tractatus .
6 ‘ I asked him why and he said because he could not talk or swallow , ’ she said at the time .
7 One consequence was that Pitt had to float special government loans at high discounts , because he could not secure a sufficient sum from the " market " .
8 Earlier , he was accused of insulting the Africans by holding his nose because he could not stand the smell .
9 Earlier , he was accused of insulting the Africans by holding his nose because he could not stand the smell .
10 He was liable to forget to buy birthday or Christmas presents ( one year when he resolved to mark Christmas properly , he bought everyone gift vouchers because he could not decide what to get ) , but would make a gift out of the blue for no other reason than that it was a nice day .
11 He felt dazed and confused because he could not decide what Jeopardy had meant by his remark .
12 Manjiku was the creature who wanted to be a woman ; the beast that stole children for his own because he could not give birth to them himself .
13 This is the Marmeladov who married his present wife — not that that did any good either — because he could not bear to see such suffering .
14 They reached an impasse very soon — but neither told Edouard , Hugo out of pride , Grégoire because he could not bear to disappoint him .
15 And although , he makes no mention of the killings , a source said he carried them out because he could not bear to tell them he was penniless .
16 Mr Ward , 20 , of Westminster Road , Darlington , left hospital in Middlesbrough a month ago against medical advice because he could not bear to be in the same building as Keith Pringle .
17 Mr Ward , of Westminster Road , Darlington , left Middlesbrough General Hosptal , against medical advice because he could not bear to be in the same building as gunman Keith Pringle .
18 And he raged because he could not reach out to interpose his power fist .
19 Fowler , who arrived a few minutes later , was middle-aged ; he had stayed a detective constable ostensibly because he could not pass the examination for sergeant , but his colleagues claimed that he deliberately avoided promotion .
20 It was held in IRC v Schroder [ 1983 ] STC 480 that overseas trustees who acted in accordance with the wishes of the taxpayer were not " controlled " by the taxpayer because he could not control the exercise of their fiduciary trustee powers .
21 A BANK manager killed himself because he could not cope with the worry and pressure of his work in the recession .
22 Daly is a human roller-coaster ; last of the four-day survivors at last summer 's Open because he could not handle the tight approaches , first again six weeks later when he shot 67 , 66 , 67 , 66 to grab the $144,000 first prize at New York 's BC Open .
23 The driver of the jeep said they picked up the Arab for questioning because he could not explain what he was doing in the area .
24 A MAN took an overdose because he could not face Christmas , an inquest heard yesterday .
25 ’ Pilinski had to redraw his copy of the old and valuable original because he could not paste the original on his block and engrave through it .
26 Kinnock may have failed in this election ultimately because he could not convince the country that he would be a truly national leader .
27 He knew it was of his own making but that was not useful knowledge because he could not unmake it .
28 If he was not to be a lecturer at Cambridge because they did not think him academic enough , and if he was not to be a parish priest because he could not keep teenagers in order and because the adults were said not to understand him and because he felt a teaching vocation , where was his right place ?
29 He would not tell her , this funny bewitching little English girl , that he had come to her first because he could not keep away from her .
30 Mr Liddle was faced with an eviction order last month because he could not keep up payments on a new lease .
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