Example sentences of "because he [be] [adv] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The other thing I would say is this that the management , whilst they very rarely agree with what Eric has got to say I 've never met a member of management at any level , at any level that does n't respect what he 's got to say and that 's a tremendous , er psychological blow before they even get round the table , because he 's completely disarming and his record in terms as vic er for , of victories , for individual members and groups of mem er , members , er , is legendary and I think apart from his ability it 's the respect in which he 's held by , by everybody , by everybody .
2 Dad offers the wine I mean , you do n't notice , because he 's like hovering around you so often ,
3 Yes — ‘ I was just thinking … ’ he says after a while , then stops again , because he 's still thinking .
4 The Henley MP could n't give a speech because he 's still recovering from a heart attack .
5 Because he 's really agitating the situation .
6 It seems to me that he ca n't be that unhappy because he 's currently managing twelve vacancies deliberately , in order to produce underspend so that he can re-surface his car park , maintain privileged restaurants for his erm , senior officers , chauffeur driven car for himself and build a new hangar for his helicopter .
7 The confessions add considerably to de Benedetti 's embarrassments , because he is already relying on the labyrinthine Italian judicial system of appeals , and the country 's statute of limitations to avoid the possibility of a jail sentence over his - fairly tenuous — involvement in the Banco Ambrosiano collapse .
8 Because he is also searching for the Presley hoard which is in the Volvo . ’
9 Because he is constantly handling , tasting and eating fungi the spores tend to work their way into the shaman 's skin , penetrating his bloodstream and saturating his body .
10 Because he is constantly having desires for these partial relationships satisfied , he is less likely to seek out non-distorting , non-partial relationships in the rest of his life .
11 The singing damsel , like the earth is a creator , superior to Coleridge because he is merely trying to recreate rather than create .
12 ‘ It is disappointing because he was just getting the hang of Wimbledon and he would have won if he had n't taken the knock at the first bend , ’ said Williams .
13 And I remember walking in the door and he was looking at me , and I thought , ‘ Gosh , what 's the matter ? ’ because he was just staring at me .
14 Because he was just doing the same job as he 'd been doing under the private under the L N E R. Management were more conciliatory when nationalization came on .
15 I was surprised to hear him say that because he was clearly referring to economic and monetary union .
16 Peter Armstrong , defending , said Ganguly had pretended to be his brother because he was already facing a charge of driving with excess alcohol and did not want to be remanded in custody .
17 On Gordon Durie : ‘ I was n't surprised when he was substituted because he was already crying after one of my tackles on him . ’
18 This caught the interviewer unawares , because he was already rehearsing his next question in his mind .
19 With the proviso that it was probably only lust , because he was already feeling slightly better .
20 Not for the first time she wondered cynically whether she craved Tyler Blacklock because he was tall , darkly handsome and unattainable , or because he was fast becoming a very rich and influential man .
21 They might also have been superfluous because he was now saying he had succeeded on his own .
22 But even if there had been no dust , smoke or snow , he would still have been unable to see it , because he was now lying on the floor beside the window , having fallen off his chair .
23 Mr Milken was able to offer good deals because he was often breaking the law .
24 Because he was forever making dens in trees , ’ said his nan , who knew this was another , ‘ and one day a big crow flew up and scared him and he lost his hold and fell on to his head and stopped growing so let that be a lesson to you . ’
25 By looking for faults in his behaviour , by constantly diminishing him with little criticisms — he neglected their boy ( at school in Randung ) , he was cold , he was selfish , he was an inadequate and clumsy lover ( did she dare ) , he never listened to other people , he had no sense of direction because he was always getting her lost in foreign capitals — she made him feel a kind of leper , different from and inferior to the run of men .
26 The boy had seen because he was always looking to see what people were doing .
27 He had come straight from receiving a shock like that to find another woman apparently destroying another marriage , probably because he was half expecting her to do so at that stage , viewing all women with newly disillusioned and suspicious eyes .
28 In the rectory garden the twins still laughed and clapped , more amused than ever because he was still standing there with his eyes closed , smiling at them .
29 Amazingly , Gazza can remember nothing about one of the great goals of his career because he was still suffering the debilitating effects of flu .
30 The girl rescued the five-pound note , because he was obviously going to let it lie there .
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