Example sentences of "because we [verb] that the " in BNC.

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1 The reason why that was founded was because we thought that the women 's movement in this country and its channels of communication and its publications and so on , including Spare Rib at the time , just did not reflect the struggles of either Black women in this country or any other movements within other countries , especially within Third World countries .
2 Because we know that the rules keep changing slightly during the course of time , it does not follow that there should be no rules .
3 Opposition Members do not believe that is very generous because we know that the cost of putting together a serious buy-out offer is likely to be nearer to £250,000 .
4 What will happen to their pay packets when they end up working in the private sector , often for less money — because we know that the national health service is simply a Bill away from being privatised ?
5 If we see a plane in the air we can be sure that it was not assembled by randomly throwing scrap metal together , because we know that the odds against a random conglomeration 's being able to fly are too great .
6 Now we 're delighted to see you here because we know that the , the G M B shares this view and we know that you 've also been in the forefront of introducing technology , er and we know also that having you here er , having your conference here , helps us enormously to continue this process of raising the profile of the trades unions , the trades council , the labour movement in the city .
7 All outputs along the same channel always appear together in the minimal acceptances because we assume that the environment , like occam processes , does not have the power of selective input on a channel .
8 Because we knew that the headmaster of the Scuola Medie Inferiori , where I was now in my last year , was not in a position to punish us if we did not appear for lessons on demonstration days , many of us took part only for a short time and then went home .
9 We do this because we fear that the other language may not contain the sophisticated concepts we may need in the communication .
10 But it is still a personification not a discovery , because we recognize that the community has no independent metaphysical existence , that it is itself a creature of the practices of thought and language in which it figures .
11 I was lucky because we heard that the Government was encouraging women 's employment , so my husband and I went to the Prime Minister 's residence with an application .
12 Because we felt that the application for mining , the timing would be picked by the companies , there would be immense pressure on the people to change their position because at that stage it would be out in the open that there was money there and that it would be in the government 's hands and we felt we would lose that so what we had to do was get it stopped before it got to that stage ’ .
13 Because we feel that the client repor Some within the management team feel that the client reports , as we are proposing to issue them are heavy .
14 We use the word " mimicry " for these cases , not because we think that the animals consciously imitate other things , but because natural selection has favoured those individuals whose bodies were mistaken for other things .
15 I I 'm grateful I I I 'm winding up that we on this side we do believe that these additional six seats are very important because we believe that the European parliament elections are going to be very important and fighting them on these new boundaries with the minimum of delay in spite of the delay that had been caused by the government' incompetence , we regard as very important , we regard this debate tonight as very important to approve these orders because we can not so far work out whether the government will be fighting the er the whole campaign on the basis of back to basics while the E P P will be doing it on the basis of some other manifesto , vorsprung durch technik or whatever it might be , and they 'll be trying to merge those into two slogans of o of er vorsprung durch basics or or whatever it might be and this we do not know at all whether the government want to be part of Europe and whether their back benchers are gon na be willing to cooperate with the European peoples party or they take the money from the European peoples party but they do n't want to participate with them in the manifesto .
16 Because we found that the fun factor in pulling the crackers bore no relation to their cost .
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