Example sentences of "because it is [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A single mother I met in Sheffield has got housing , but in a Dickensian block of flats , on the fifth floor , with no lift , a damp kitchen , bathroom and hall where the wallpaper seems to stand up only out of inertia because it is n't sticking to the walls .
2 Because it is n't finished yet . ’
3 The Victorian pub is now threatened in two ways : because it is not understood as a historic document , and because certain isolated elements in Victorian pub design have been overemphasised at the expense of others .
4 One quick way of going out of business is to be unable to meet a substantial claim because it is not covered by insurance .
5 Relatively few rural residents appear to rely solely on public transport , perhaps because it is not regarded nowadays as a worthwhile alternative — Moseley et al .
6 Because it is not studied at school , many entrants are unsure of what is involved in an LLB degree .
7 Wearing a different one every time she went out would be only normal , particularly since a sari does not have to be washed as frequently as a dress because it is not worn next to the skin .
8 At present domestic labour is organisationally inefficient because it is not socialised like the industrial sphere , which counterbalances increased productivity through mechanisation .
9 Mr Haszeldine has made a formal complaint to the ward councillors , saying the rats are coming from the depot because it is not kept clean .
10 Meanwhile , the UK 's ICL plc , a second-tier customer for SuperSparc , is possibly in the most fortunate position of the Sparc builders , because it is not shackled to the Solaris chain .
11 There is , for instance , a route between Tokyo and Honolulu — known , because it is not fixed in cement , as it were , as the TYO-HNL Flexible Track System — which carries millions upon millions of Japanese to and from honeymoons and shopping expeditions ; there are routes now between Honolulu and San Francisco , between Honolulu and Nadi ( in Fiji , and pronounced Nandi ) , Nadi and Tokyo , and Nadi and Sydney , between Los Angeles and points south-west .
12 The data can be accessed through the Longitudinal Study Support Programme at City University ; because it is not supported at Manchester it will not be discussed further in this paper .
13 Firstly , it is claimed that the economic power associated with the ownership of property does not threaten liberty because it is not concentrated in the hands of an individual or small group of individuals .
14 Unless detected at an early stage weight loss is an inevitable result of pancreatic insufficiency , but before this becomes apparent the dog 's appetite will have increased , simply because it is not absorbing enough nutrients .
15 No two candidates will respond to questions in exactly the same way so you must keep a fair amount of flexibility in your approach — it would be wrong to stop a candidate from following up an interesting and potentially revealing answer simply because it is not coming at the designated point in your schedule .
16 Take the High Road , which has been running for 13 years , does n't make the ratings tables because it is not slotted in a peak viewing time across the country .
17 But here we have built a society with a colour bar as real as South Africa 's , and worse because it is not admitted .
18 b ) In cases where a Default Notice has not been served because it is not required under the Consumer Credit Act , we shall send you a letter of demand , requiring repayment of a specified sum .
19 In Leetham ( Henry ) & Sons Ltd v Johnstone-White [ 1907 ] 1 Ch 322 Farwell LJ commented : … a man whose business is a corn miller 's business , and who requires to protect that , can not , if he has also a furniture business , require the covenantee who enter into his service as an employee in the corn business to enter into covenants restricting him from entering into competition with him in the furniture business also , because it is not required for the protection of the corn business in which the man is employed , however much it may be beneficial to the individual person , the owner both of the corn business and of the furniture business .
20 But as I suggested in the last part of Chapter 2 , this difference is not of any great practical significance : whether deviant motivations are taken as given because they express free will ( classical theory ) or because it is not deemed fruitful to attempt their explanation ( control theory ) does not , in itself ; have any practical implications for the subsequent criminological enterprise .
21 The introduction of the earnings-related retirement pensions scheme is bound to favour the better-paid sections of the community because it is not financed wholly by employee contributions .
22 In fact , because it is not known , it might detract from the paper 's persuasiveness . ’
23 It 's bad enough that unlike razor blades , which are zero rated , sanitary protection attracts seventeen and a half percent V A T because it is not classed as a medical necessity .
24 Yet the bulk of activity is never reported in the general literature — chiefly because it is not considered newsworthy or important , either by by the editors or the librarians .
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