Example sentences of "because [pers pn] [modal v] [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I stare at his reflection , because I dare not look at him , and for an instant his face disappears , and the image is of a death 's head grinning at me , a white skull : bones with no flesh , black sockets with no eyes .
2 ‘ I would plead with them to speak to the police as a matter of urgency because I would not like this to happen to anyone else or for any other family to go through the distress we are experiencing .
3 I used to have bad pains because I would n't go on the bucket at night .
4 It would be an enormous relief — and if you 're waiting for me to struggle , demand you release me , you can wait till hell freezes over , Feargal McMahon , because I would n't give you the satisfaction ! ’
5 Actually I have been something of a clothesaholic recently , do n't tell Derek , but I have to put that fitted wardrobe under lock and key when he 's back and hope he does n't keek in through the louvres because I would n't want him to think I was extravagant .
6 ‘ She was bent on making mischief because I would n't do her the favour she wanted , and she bloody well succeeded , did n't she ? ’
7 She was furious because I would n't do what she wanted and paid me back as spitefully as she knew how .
8 ‘ Basically , Beatty sacked me because I would n't sleep with him . ’
9 Just because I would n't say anything .
10 Marie 's parents had strong religious views that made her feel very guilty about having sex in their home when she and her husband had to live there for a while : " We did it on the bedroom floor on the wedding night because I would n't use the bed , in case it made a noise .
11 If there 's any song that I would like to do , but would never attempt because I would n't know how to begin , that 's the one .
12 Because I would n't confuse Sarah with a lot of technicality .
13 And I suspect that if we offered them counselling from cater good catering advice on how to maximise their market return they 'll do it because I would n't hang about for a meal if I knew that they would n't give you a meal in fifteen minutes , I 'd go and eat somewhere else .
14 I do n't ask , of course , because I would n't get any worthwhile answer .
15 If I saw any cruelty in this business , I 'd leave the business because I would n't like my son to be brought up in an environment where there was cruelty to animals .
16 Because I would n't have time to think . ’
17 Well it 's not a yes yes for the garden because I would n't have room for it but it 's certainly a yes yes in my shelter delt because the birds love the berries and it really encourages them to use that shelter delt but it is n't as , as easy to grow , it 's , one tends to think of the nature plant as a tough plant but I 've been trying to establish about thirty of these in the shelter delt and I 've found they object to any form of total weedkiller round the root , so all the , the weedkillers that you would use for the first couple of years maybe to , to keep the , the weeds from growing round the stems , they tend to get chlorotic and die .
18 Er but I said I could n't give him a definite quote for a price , because I would n't have the Committee .
19 I 'm glad I 'm not in the position of having to sort out Everton 's troubles , because I would n't have a clue how to get them out of the mess they are in .
20 I hate to think how much money I have paid over to Anglia Gas if I 'd known what I was into I could have walked into that house then and I could , while I had all that money before I gave any away I could have said , right , I 'm going to have to spend that , that , that , that and that and I would have done it and it would have I would 've been alright because I would n't have had things going wrong !
21 I would never have taken anything out of that book that you had put in because I would n't have known what it was about .
22 Charlie got annoyed with me because I would n't let him .
23 I 'm sorry you had to worry about me because I would n't let you know what was going on in my mind , but I hope now you 'll realise why I kept silent for so long .
24 like that and that 's , I actually feel very strongly about that because I would n't mind paying more money if the people who needed it got it .
25 Since my operation I have n't looked back comma , although maybe because I ca n't move my leg .
26 I 've resigned from my job because I ca n't cope .
27 I work hard at dull , practical things , she thought , and so everyone thinks I must be mature and reliable and sensible ; but really it 's because I ca n't cope with the other things , the things that are frightening and dangerous .
28 Also company , because I ca n't cope very easily with
29 do you want more potatoes because I ca n't eat these
30 Oh no , it 's like , it 's like with chocolate as well , I cut it up into little pieces , because I ca n't eat it all at once .
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