Example sentences of "because [pron] 've just [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And then there 's this technician or something here and they ask me to breathe in helium from a mask and make me repeat some of the things gorilla man said on the video so I feel like I 'm becoming him they 're trying to make me him ; I do n't think I sound the same as the guy on the brain-snuff video but fuck knows what they think there are too many to know what the fuck they think ; loads of them , officers from all over the fucking place with different accents , London , Midlands , Welsh , Scottish , elsewhere , God knows , it 's not just Flavell and McDunn though I still see them now and again especially McDunn who looks at me kind of weird most of the time like he ca n't really believe it was me did all these things and I get this bizarre feeling that he thinks I 'm kind of pathetic I mean that in a grudging , still-determined-to-bust-the-fucker way he actually has more respect for gorilla man than he does for me because I 've just gone to pieces under the questions and the things they put in my head with those photographs and that video ( ha which means gorilla man has already put stuff into my head , already has fucked my brains , filling my head with the idea of that , the vision , the meme of that ) and I thought I was some tough cookie but I was wrong I 'm just a dunked digestive baby I 'm soft I 'm flopping I 'm disintegrating and that 's why unless I 'm the best fucking actor he 's ever seen McDunn ca n't accept I was capable of the things gorilla man did , yet so much of the evidence , especially the dates and times that sort of stuff , points at me not to mention that piece of TV-crit I did that reads like a hit-list now .
2 But it is n't because I 've just said to you several times that one point two billion for a single franchise is absolutely ridiculous .
3 Because I 've just seen him making his way in this direction , ’ he concluded triumphantly .
4 Robins , clutching the ball after his first senior hat-trick , said : ‘ Comparisons are bound to be made because I 've just scored three on TV and United are struggling .
5 Only because I 've just had my appraisal .
6 Because I 've just had a look here .
7 I 've just p is it near the front door because I 've just put it back on her .
8 Because I 've just found one behind the wardrobe . ’
9 I saw her and I , I be honest with you I hid , I be totally honest and I 'll tell her the same if I see her because I 've just found out then that they could n't do any more for me dad and I really did n't want to speak or see anybody and I sat in the canteen on my own , I just said to me mum , mum on the phone I said mum I need to do this on my own I said I 'm just gon na have a coffee in the cafeteria and I do n't know if you 've been in there but the cafeteria is all glass and she pulled up in a white van delivering something to the office , I thought oh no it 's Jenny she 's the last bleeding person I want there , I do n't mean that
10 ‘ Possibly because the new ventilation system I 've recently supervised being installed in a factory in one of the Arab Emirates has proved so successful that I have orders for two more , or possibly because I 've just spent four weeks at full stretch in a very hot country with very little relaxation and deserve a holiday — but more probably because I own a majority stockholding in the company I bought cheap and built up to its present eminence , which gives me the position of chairman and managing director and full autonomy in deciding what I do , where I do it and with whom . ’
11 because you 've just taken on too much .
12 Rather less because we 've just taken some money out of the budget .
13 We could slot in our ag our agreed words erm that would n't , would n't have to wait till the Regional Liaison Group met because we 've just got the three kingp king kingpins hopefully er and , and try and er you know circumvent that .
14 It 's funny how it works , is n't it , I mean we 've just , it , it 's like us and er Swindon in a way because we 've just got it over on Port Vale have n't we ?
15 The only thing that I 've just thought about actually is window wh in the me on the measurement side rather than anything else is that I have n't Because we 've just had those windows replaced , I have n't finished decorating around the top .
16 But I ca n't I find it hard to explain why the after such a good performance against West Ham , But you know , it 's just all over , be saying that about his side second half now wo n't he , because they 've just put one point about a nine , and they 're a good side .
17 that 's right because they 've just released papers after thirty years of work that he was doing for the M O D he was actually doing it in his role as a member of the P R flight , Beaver Brooke sold the government this idea
18 erm We know they play in erm I think it 's Surrey three , or Surrey two , erm I 'm not sure which one it is actually , because they 've just revamped their leagues .
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