Example sentences of "because [pron] [vb past] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 but I 've only , in fact , used ten because someone took the microphone in and put it back in the wrong place .
2 They piled into Deptford because someone heard a shot and phoned them .
3 The Green Belt around London has been preserved not because someone put a price on it but because voters in the Home Counties wanted to stop the city sprawling outwards seemingly for ever .
4 It seems to me now that I must have been more than a little simple , because I received a telephone call from the home the very next day .
5 ‘ I came here because I married a Cornishman .
6 I know you like hiking because I saw a photo of you in your little bum-freezers , so we 'll take you up on the moors and then call at Harry Ramsden 's for some fish ‘ n ’ chips .
7 Oh well that 's easy , because I saw the photograph .
8 How often have I excluded people from discussion and decision-making because I believed the information was beyond their understanding ?
9 Well they were doing it at eleven o'clock last night , it must of been something like that because I heard every word
10 ‘ Perhaps we should encourage young novelists ’ ; ‘ the Booker Prize is a media junket ’ ; ‘ actually , I 'm here because I wrote the book ’ .
11 ‘ I know that Mick Boler is innocent , ’ he said , ‘ because I committed the robbery . ’
12 Well I sort of said to him as well about , I said and it 's ridiculous , just because I said the bedding had been lo in the loft
13 I turned right and walked up to a crossroads where two shops and a bar were open ; I could n't go in because I had no money , so I continued up the road .
14 I said , ‘ To be quite truthful , nobody ’ — because I had no contact with my family .
15 I 've agreed a settlement and I 'm happy enough with it , because I had no contract .
16 I suppose I must have accepted that whatever my parents told me was good and right because I had no reason to think otherwise .
17 ‘ The Cambridge University report I read with great interest because I had no understanding of children , not having any of my own .
18 But when it got dark , I had to go to bed because I had no light .
19 I 'd forgone breakfast because I had n't got to bed till four in the morning , lunch because I had a hangover and anyway I was late for the train , and due to the fact that it was — according to British Rail at any rate — still part of the extended Festive Period , there had been no buffet trolley on the train .
20 I asked him for something to ease the pain , but he reminded me that he could n't because I had a head wound .
21 I was indignant when one of her friends told me my mother had believed my Methodist conviction was because I had a crush on the minister .
22 Would I perhaps welcome the security of a helicopter , or welcome the security of waking up in bed to find that it was all a dream and I had n't actually gone hill-walking at all because I had a date with Gerard Depardieu ?
23 I stopped going after six months because I felt I 'd resolved my immediate problem , and it had become a drag and an effort , largely because I had a problem with the silences .
24 With all the crowding work , and a little pleasure , too , I would have written to you yesterday , only I partly feared to , because I had a proposal to make , which it would have been unseemly to make the apparent cause of my haste .
25 Council put the central heating in when we got advanced in years and when it became necessary in the doctor 's opinion for me to have central heating because I had a heart complaint .
26 Skipper Kim Barnett tells me : ‘ There was a time when the opposition used to like me out of the way quickly because I had a reputation for getting after the bowling .
27 He said : ‘ He had to see me this time because I had a clue for him . ’
28 Went to Rubella 's in the evening but they would n't let me in because I had a bit of instant Whip on my Brummy vest .
29 I heard him leaving because I had n't been in bed very long , and I heard him coming back because I had a bit of indigestion and I could n't sleep . ’
30 I was rather irritated yesterday because I had a phone call from
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