Example sentences of "because [pron] [be] [adv] going " in BNC.

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1 Taylor said : ‘ It is pointless asking that , because I am not going to do it .
2 Because I 'm not going straight back to Little Knoll . ’
3 I do n't buy it and then go home and play it , because I 'm not going to get anything from it at home , but at 2am , after a gig in Oslo or Munich or Berlin , it sounds damned good .
4 ‘ For a start , because I 'm not going to let you die — nor is anyone else in this hospital .
5 And I do n't worry because I 'm not going to be here this time tomorrow .
6 ‘ Then I must be very rich , ’ said Constance , ‘ because I 'm not going to have any . ’
7 ‘ Do n't hold your breath , Miguel , because I 'm not going out with you . ’
8 But I was n't there , and this is to your advantage because I 'm not going to harp on about my favourite Shankly saying , or pretend I was close friends with the man like certain people do .
9 Because I 'm not going to buy any more tree decorations this year .
10 Well I do n't want many because I 'm not going to do that many .
11 its the urgh I should turn it off now because I 'm not going to say any thing
12 Well I hope so anyway because I 'm not going to play erm international football at left back , I 'm going to play it at centre half , so hopefully erm Terry scouts will be watching me .
13 This first one is only an excerpt because I 'm then going to contrast it with how not to do it
14 Right , this is a fashion plate ; a ball dress in the eighteen-forties , and I 'm just showing this actually to make another point ; sort of change of direction maybe , because I 'm now going to almost undo everything that I 've just said , and say that this was the fashion , high fashion of the eighteen forties .
15 That was quick , that five forty , I was trying to work it out out because I was n't going to cancel it that way , but that 's great .
16 is it a contentious issue erm ho how is the criticized , very very short , because you are only going to be writing for about a page , a page and a half , right , so just make sure that every sentence or every other sentence carries a new bit of information and then people say , good , this person knows everything about this subject , full marks and you and er but it 's all too easy to , to focus on one or two aspects of say a question on trade or er er Harrison Todaro model of migration .
17 Because you 're not going to have to go back on many of the things .
18 Davidson Davidson kind of claims this in semantics in natural languages which I suggested that you read , but Davidson puts the claim the other way round , that is there 's no more syntax than that structure needs in semantics and that 's just false , that 's just false because you 're not going to account for all the data I 've been talking about , about verb phrases .
19 You need living assurance because you 're not going to die , you need living assurance because you 're not going to die .
20 You need living assurance because you 're not going to die , you need living assurance because you 're not going to die .
21 When a Dutch journo asks why condoms are included in the press kit , Jim 's immediate retort goes ‘ Because you 're all going to go and shag each other afterwards , ’ swiftly followed by ‘ Did you all get the heroin as well ? ’
22 The augmented intervals are quite easy because you 're only going one semitone greater than what , than the note that appears in the major scale are n't you .
23 erm and I think maybe that you , you jumped in should n't have done that er because obviously M Martin got quite defensive at that point you know because you were only going there to do this financial planning service and er selling them anything , you were just offering this financial planning service and then you jumped in with these , when I come back with my recommendations erm tt I also thought that erm you know it was a little bit dodgy actually to say you , well you know erm tt we have found that our records are incorrect and I thought well then that maybe and erm you went ve you went very o when you were talking about the dependants erm you , you you did n't seem to get into er erm how many children have you got and is there any other dependants , it , you , it seemed to take you a long time to actually get there .
24 He wore a handle on the back of his costume , stitched there by his hard-driven mother herself because she was n't going to have some theatrical costumier treating her son as if he were a sequin .
25 Because we are n't going down the ladder .
26 Mr Freeman said an appeal was ‘ most unlikely , because we are not going to get any more evidence . ’
27 ‘ We hope the Government will agree to an amicable settlement but it will mean a big climbdown for them because we 're not going to give way on the principle , ’ Mr Neil said .
28 Lucker and Laverne 's mum ideally should wait together and keep each other company because we 're not going back .
29 That 's very interesting because we 're always going back to the earlier comment that , perhaps people like scientists , like sociologists are intelligent , but not in touch .
30 ‘ But I think this time it 's different in that teams will have to score two goals to beat us because we 're always going to get one .
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