Example sentences of "one who [verb] [vb pp] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I was not the only one who had made this uncomfortable observation .
2 She was the one who had initiated this skirmish .
3 As far as is known , very few people in Islay kept a diary at that time and in those which have survived the entries are short and appear to have been inspired by the prospect of emigration or a return to their native heath by one who had spent many years abroad .
4 As far as is known , very few people in Islay kept a diary at that time and in those which have survived the entries are short and appear to have been inspired by the prospect of emigration or a return to their native heath by one who had spent many years abroad .
5 That 's when Major , who was on the photo , he was Major in the army of nineteen fourteen eighteen M C Major M C , military cross well he took charge and er a chap off the shop floor , well he was an old contemptible of the nineteen fourteen to eighteen war , name of Bert he was made Sergeant because he was only one who had got any military experience , and he started with us on the shop floor in doing foot drill .
6 ‘ I 'm going to send this one to my friend ’ — she lowered her voice — ‘ the one who 's had that big operation .
7 It exists in three forms : expertise from experience ( ‘ I am the only one who has done this before ’ ) ; expertise based on knowledge ; and expertise based on a particular skill ( e.g. the surgeon , the programmer , the writer , the foreign exchange dealer ) .
8 You are lucky enough to have Bella here to teach you , and your mother also , and as you know , I have undertaken to instruct you in history , since I am the one who has seen such a lot of it , as it were face to face .
9 ‘ … one who has seen many such cases can with tolerable certainty tell , without more minute examination what the nature of the complaint is. ’ — W. Cumming , London Medical Gazette , 1849 .
10 Not only is it little consolation , he wrote , it is actually a further cause for despair , for it only shows that everything is far too late , that the glass was a dream of lateness and the work on the glass was a fantasy of lateness and the belief in the glass was the madness of one who has lost all sense of the meaning of lateness .
11 Since it is the poet himself who is the subject , the poem comes across as a very genuine and deeply moving piece of work which regards the real feelings and fears of one who is in the process of losing his own life , rather than , as convention would have it , those of one who has lost another .
12 If I may speak as one who has heard all the centenary lectures and restraining myself from being invidious , I will merely say : George , it was an admirable centenary lecture , and the huge spinning top of words , despite its complexity , kept the patterns clear and sharp and arguable .
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