Example sentences of "one which [vb past] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 An awards system which recognises only HNC and HND achievement would be one which ignored the majority of SCOTVEC 's candidates — there are almost ten National Certificate candidates for every one in Advanced Courses .
2 The " Spicer Report " , based upon discussions with some 300,000 Canadians over an eight-month period following the collapse of the Meech Lake Accord , recommended ( i ) the recognition of Quebec as a unique province , but one which had a place within a federal Canada ; ( ii ) an independent review of the official policy of bilingualism ; ( iii ) the fair treatment of native land claims and the institution of self-government for aboriginal peoples ; ( iv ) a reduction of government funding of multiculturalism ; and ( v ) the reformation or abolition of the Senate ( the non-elected upper chamber of the federal legislature ) .
3 ‘ We sold one which had no phone .
4 The National Materials Handling Centre accordingly set up a Working Party , chaired by Mr. A. C. Parnell of Fire Check Consultants with a brief to examine the following areas of the problem ; the whole being intended to act as a plain main 's guide but one which had the agreement of all interested parties .
5 In the future historians are likely to regard the post-1979 Conservative governments as also having produced a change in direction , one which reversed the direction of previous post-war administrations .
6 It was , of course , a very expensive operation but one which achieved the introduction of a complete range of products into the kitchens of those people whose sampling of the product would be the most valuable .
7 We shot the son who never calls , then when he does call Beattie complains he never visits ; the Mrs Jones commercial , done in almost one or two takes ; the ‘ Happy Birthday ’ song ; an answering machine , starring only my voice and my son Melvyn ( it was actually my favourite and was never shown ) ; and the one which launched a cache of catch phrases — the ‘ Ology ’ commercial , coincidentally starring Jacob Krichefsky , son of Bernard and Judith , my Muswell Hill neighbours .
8 And there was another one which affected the road , again the same road but north of Wych Cross , at Bramble Tie , which is between Forest Row and East Grinstead .
9 His words implied that there were two grades of fidelity : one which obliged a fidelis to promote his lord 's interests in all things , and another that simply bound him not to injure him .
10 It was a Hardyesque situation , and one which added an element of tragic irony to my sorrow .
11 To the untrained observer it was a room , an ordinary room , exciting in no particular way and one which contained the semblance of twelve human occupants .
12 The ‘ Entebbe Maths ’ in the ‘ sixties and for the ‘ sixties was a success story and one which laid the foundation for interest and expertise in curriculum development not only in Mathematics but in other subjects as well .
13 Many of the animals in this exhibition were gathered by hunters from a different era ; one which saw the decline of rarer species shot almost to the point of extinction .
14 First , cases of ‘ excessive defence ’ have a grounding in legal justification , in that the occasion was one which justified the use of some force , and this places them on a higher social plateau than killings with no element of justification at all .
15 It just happened to be the one which caused the glass to become overfilled and which caused the body to begin to signal being under excessive stress .
16 It was a more austere and intellectually demanding conception of the role of the student , though one which removed the student even more from the culture of the wider society .
17 An IT system is one which satisfied the information requirements of an enterprise by bringing together a relevant combination of technologies which capture , generate , transfer , store or process information .
18 The problem is any interest rate rise , particularly one which triggered a rise in mortgage rates , would be an outrage for business at this point in the cycle and would deal a blow to consumer confidence .
19 Did the rhipidistias evolve into a creature with an internal bladder , or into one which possessed a diaphragm-type of breathing mechanism ?
20 None gave more than 13 hours to Language in Education ( except one which listed the whole 120 ) , and several gave none ( but unlike with the English tutors , this was generally recognised as a separate area ) .
21 Her last quarterly gas bill , one which covered the winter months , cost her nearly £60 , £5 per week .
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