Example sentences of "one [modal v] [verb] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Over the centuries , Ayrshire 's loss may have been the world 's gain but one must wonder what the effect would have been if some of the intelligent and ambitious people who left had stayed at home .
2 ( He had always used a lady 's bike as a teenager because he thought the middle bar on a man 's one might do him a mischief if he cocked his leg over it carelessly . )
3 And since a car is probably the second biggest investment you 'll ever make — buying a stolen one could cost you a lot of money !
4 Either one could discard what the philosopher had said about women and keep the rest — which in fact often meant accepting conceptions of human nature that took the male as paradigm , and trying to demonstrate that women were as fully human as men , or one could argue that the philosopher 's thought formed a system within which the attitude towards women formed an inseparable part ( see Elshtain 's ( 1981 ) discussion of the private-public distinction or Grimshaw ( 1986 ) for the examples of Aristotle and Kant ) , so that it was impossible just to take certain parts and leave the rest .
5 As well as this , Vincent may have been influenced by Zola 's theory that one could make oneself an artist by an act of will , providing one had the temperament — ‘ Art is nature seen through a temperament ’ — and although natural talent was helpful , it was by no means essential .
6 No one could give him an age .
7 ‘ But no one could call it a lucky house , could they ? ’
8 It 's perhaps the only committee , if one dare call it a committee of this council , where the chief officer has n't troubled to come to the budget review and represent the interests of his committee .
9 Sighvat 's poem is known to be incomplete , but surviving verses do not mention the battle , and Ottar the Black 's Knútsdrápa says that Cnut opposed or threw back ( hnekDir ) the Swedes there , and describes him as their withstander ( prengvir ) , neither of which is resonant of overwhelming victory , Indeed , if Holy River was known only from the Chronicle entry one would think it a defeat , but Ottar is unlikely to have included a famous reverse in a list of Cnut 's achievements , and the royal title used in the 1027 Letter ( see below ) suggests that he did eventually claim suzerainty over some Swedes .
10 The reality was that he could walk into any bar or restaurant anywhere in the world and no one would give him a second glance .
11 Butch Beausoleil could live here in the nude and no one would give her a second glance .
12 I suppose one would call him a hypochondriac , because Dorothy had once told me that her earliest memory was of her father standing in front of the looking-glass saying , ‘ I am a dying man ’ ; her mother 's face had that bearing-up look one sees on the faces of those suffering with their feet .
13 And whereas neither a first-rate performance of a symphony nor a miserable one will change what the composer wrote , the performance of a business continually creates new and different scores against which its performance is assessed .
14 It is for this reason that we often feel isolated in our quest ; after all , if no two people share the same experiences , no one can tell you the best way to deal with a particular situation .
15 After all , since our last meeting , if one can call it a meeting , at the entrance to the sweet little National Gallery of Modern Art in Edinburgh , all those years ago , you have cut yourself off from your friends and well-wishers .
16 No one can call you a failure . ’
17 I suppose when we were younger , we all rather took Alice for granted , but looking back , one can see what a strong character she had even then .
18 Every , yeah , well one can have it every two year , er
19 No one can say what the next century will bring .
20 With a dentist one can understand what the chap is actually saying .
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