Example sentences of "find out [prep] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 A just has to find out in detail what B was doing yesterday evening between 6pm and 8pm
2 You must get the lecturer 's permission to record and use the recording and it 's a good idea too to find out in advance what aids will be used .
3 Although at the moment it is up to you to decide what form of updating you would like to undertake , it would be useful to look at any developments in your area aimed at your special interest , and to find out from employers what they might expect from you in advance of offering you a job .
4 Alice even tried to find out from Muriel what Jasper 's plans might be , but as soon as Muriel heard Jasper 's name , she said briskly that in her opinion Andrew was " basically " a sound and useful cadre .
5 Macmillan instructed his law officers , Sir John Hobson and Sir Peter Rawlinson , to find out from Profumo what the truth was .
6 One of the most useful things we can do is to find out from people what they would really like to happen and try to facilitate this .
7 Saturday — when the bomb went off — had been ‘ unbelievably painful ’ and when they found out about Tim they ‘ did n't think he would live the night ’ .
8 ‘ You only find out after marriage what a load of rubbish they are , ’ as Mr Llambias puts it .
9 She 'd thought about going back to her room for a while , maybe find out from Josie what she 'd been caught up in the night before , but it would take her more than half an hour to walk .
10 Whichever order the adventurers open the chests in ( unless they have some magical means of finding out in advance what 's inside ) , they get the poorest haul first and the richest haul last .
11 This is why it is worth finding out in advance what type of herb it is .
12 Annie was a great help after finding out from Joe what the young lady 's colouring was .
13 Did you find out from Barry what time the dancing classes are ?
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