Example sentences of "man who [vb mod] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 So it was that the eight of us ended up , kit gleaming in the spring sunshine , awaiting the arrival of the man who would diagnose our ills , administer a local anaesthetic and set us on the road to perfect health .
2 Though from a much more comfortable background than Burton , Dylan Thomas had been brought up just the other side of Swansea Bay , a few years older than the man who would become his greatest reader .
3 One man who may have his eye on it is David Mellor , Secretary for National Heritage .
4 He 's not a man who 'll share his woman , and I do n't blame him .
5 After being the man who 'd sell his sister , he was about to become the man who 'd lost his wife .
6 In brief , the good leader , the man who could inspire his army , not merely he who could avoid the obvious pitfalls of generalship which Frontinus had pointed out , might be born with certain inherent qualities , but these had to be developed in the only way that could lead to success , through practice and experience .
7 With the fans now streaming through the turnstiles , many of them being stopped and searched before going any further , there 's a final briefing for the man who could influence their mood , referee Paul Harrison .
8 On the other hand , order out of chaos and the rebirth of a defeated nation were admirable reasons for being attracted to Fascism , yet they were n't the real ones in her case , and even if Hitler had mesmerised her very conclusively for a time , she was older and wiser now and able to revise her view of a man who could change his principles so casually in the light of expediency .
9 He was reckoned one of the islands ' best fishing guides , a man who could name his own price to the rich northerners who came to the blue waters to kill gamefish , but Bonefish believed that his family might stray from the path of righteousness if he spent too much time away from home so he restricted his guide work to just a few weeks of the year .
10 The sort of man who could have his pick of women , so why had n't he picked any ?
11 Forty years later William Hutton , who had once himself been a framework knitter , wrote that manufactures tended to decay when " plenty preponderates " , for a man who could support his family on three days ' labour would not work six .
12 ‘ He has always enjoyed a drink , and I 've never met a man who can hold his liquor better , ’ he says .
13 His letter was hearty , breezy , man-to-man : let it never be thought , it seemed to say , that I am the man who can put your academic career on the chopping block by a couple of words in the right places .
14 ‘ The more reason I should be there , too , ’ said Hotspur tartly , ‘ for a man who can turn his coat once can turn it again as readily .
15 There are many young men who will mourn her departure from the ranks of the available , ah ( sigh ) , some of whom had fond memories of her , others , merely hopes .
16 The intensity of these family relationships , and the importance of maintaining family and wider connections in Pakistan , are shown in the continuance in Britain of the Pakistani institution of Biraderi which governs obligations to relatives and non-relatives outside the immediate family : ‘ Biraderi includes all the men who can trace their relationship to a common ancestor , no matter how remote ’ ( Anwar , 1979 , p. 62 ) .
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