Example sentences of "man who [vb past] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No , more than that — a man who lacked the guts to face up to his responsibilities .
2 But the man who combined the gifts of preacher and politician , and who felt called , like John the Baptist ( or , to be exact , John the Presbyterian ) , was Foster Dulles , minister 's son , Wall Street lawyer and by divine right Secretary of State .
3 And would the paper , edited by the man who had the crotches and armpits cut out of his suits by Pamela Bordes , be featuring Mr Bell at all ?
4 For as long as she could remember she had herself been in love with the man who led the greyhounds and their attendants on a dignified procession round the track before the race began .
5 Frank Bainbridge , the same man who took the calves to market , once again organized the necessary procedure .
6 The editor of the who published photographs of the Princess of Wales exercising at a gym has described himself and the man who took the photographs as ratbags .
7 I 'd just like to second that it was a good day and also to point out as the er man who made the postcards we should n't get too excited about this as a money making scheme .
8 In 1893 America was ready to see Columbus as the great discoverer , the man who laid the foundations for a nation of bold entrepreneurs .
9 This was a man who understood the uses of spotlights .
10 He was no longer a farmer , just an ordinary man who owned the clothes he was wearing and nothing more .
11 Life as she wanted it to be was momentarily embodied by the don who taught her Greek , a brave and learned man who fought the Turks in Modern Greece .
12 He thinks that I am the man who killed the others on the wasteland , yet he keeps coming .
13 Morton , he realized , spoke with the confidence of the man who tapped the phones .
14 But beneath this exterior there lived a man who treated the islanders with the affection which a good father bestows on his slightly wayward children .
15 He was surprised that the Mage Initiate , an elderly man who supervised the clerics of the household , had not chastised Tavalouze for his appearance .
16 What I liked about it was that though it was biting sarcasm , the way he spoke it gave you the impression not of a man who was bitter in any way , but of a man who pitied the members of the government for being so rotten and pitied us for being governed by such scum .
17 The man who saved The Roses Theatre from closure twelve years ago has lost his fight to stay in control .
18 ‘ The odds were 7–2 that I would disappear with the money before we even started , even money that I 'd wait until the houses were built and leg it with the money , ’ recalls the London born-and-bred ‘ community builder ’ , with all the relish of a man who beat the bookies .
19 The latter denied that it had issued any such weapon and the policemen , backed by courageous superiors , charged the man who fired the shots with attempted murder and both men with illegal possession of the weapon .
20 A fitting tribute to a man who opened the eyes of children — and their teachers .
21 Baden-Powell , the man who galvanised the hopes and fears of Edwardian England into a truly spectacular social movement , was also given to some equally spectacular celebrations of Hooliganism .
22 ‘ While it would be a brave man who bought the shares in the current atmosphere ( although we think they are a buy ) , only a fool would sell them . ’
23 Swindon 's John Reynolds the man who pulled the strings for Andre Agassi .
24 THE man who pulled the Conservatives ' favourite advertising agency , Saatchi & Saatchi , back from the brink , yesterday confirmed his departure .
25 He was the man who held the drawstrings to the Shah 's own private fortune , amassed at home and abroad since the Shah had found himself penniless in his first exile in 1953 .
26 They trotted in tandem around the floor , high-stepping to the whim of a muscular young man who held the reins behind them .
27 The man who flew the hostages out , Virgin Chairman Richard Branson spoke of the human misery at the airport .
28 Consider the psychological condition of the man who conceived the pillars .
29 The man who designed the changes in 1993 says the responsibility rests not only with Government , but with all of us .
30 Men Who Ran The Trams — The Managers
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