Example sentences of "man [Wh pn] [pers pn] had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Here a national outcry was provoked when fifteen white police officers either stood by and watched or personally took part in the systematic assault of a black man whom they had stopped after a car chase .
2 They told how the man whom they had trusted and referred to as ‘ Dad ’ fondled them indecently while they sat on his knee in their pyjamas watching television in his rooms at Elm Tree Farm Community Home , Stockton , Cleveland .
3 We lost a man whom I had seen come to Christ , who was very gifted in personal evangelism , whom I saw as vital to the work and as a personal friend .
4 Crosland was replaced as Environment Secretary by Peter Shore , a much less exuberant and extrovert character , but a solid , steady man whom I had known over the years and had first met when he was the Secretary of an ad hoc committee formed by the Labour Party — with a few outside ‘ experts ’ such as Dennis Lloyd and myself — to produce a rental policy .
5 And proof that an informant had indeed reached Edward from the town was provided by the fact that the emissaries now demanded that the required hostage should be none other than Seton 's own son , a young man whom he had brought with him to Berwick on his first military venture , unfortunate a start as this had turned out to be .
6 Seven other individuals , not related to his family , who had come to have a high regard for Beattie over the years among them were three or four Roman Catholics , including a man whom he had helped to find a new house after he and his wife had been intimidated out of their home by the Provisional IRA .
7 This was a senior man whom he had worked with before , a fellow Scot , grey-haired now , slight , quick-moving and thorough .
8 She who had long since learned the necessary control to hide her feelings was about to suffer the greatest humiliation of all , the fall of angry tears which would betray her sensitivity , leaving her naked and vulnerable before this man whom she had begun to trust … åd his friends …
9 In the middle of many clashes and difficulties were the men whom I had met , and to whom , if I had been a true friend , I might have given something of the faith and spirit which could have helped them find a better way for their people .
10 For there had been no lack of men whom she had wished she could fall in love with , good men who would undoubtedly have made her happy .
11 He did not doubt that she was a prisoner , for these were the Warden 's men who they had thought would not dare come so far into the forest .
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