Example sentences of "man ['s] [noun] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 His expression was inscrutable , but his hands were clenched so tightly into fists that Meredith marvelled at the man 's ability to keep the muscles of his face so impassive .
2 These different visions of land have often come into conflict , most strikingly shown " in the white man 's inability to comprehend the indian 's reverence for the land " ( Donald W. Large , " This Land is Whose Land : Changing Concepts of Land as Property " ( 1973 ) 4 Wisc .
3 This blind adherence to ancient beliefs dating from times when all nature was a mystery and man 's efforts to penetrate the enigma of his beginnings quite beyond his mental capacity , is even more difficult to understand when viewed in the light of his advances along all other frontiers of knowledge .
4 The story may in fact be read as an allegory in which the detective 's attempt to solve a series of crimes by the use of logic represents man 's efforts to decipher the meaning of the universe , but he himself ends up as the final victim , undone by his misplaced confidence in his intellect and baffled by a confusing world that makes a mockery of his pretensions to explain it .
5 This weekend 's show looks at man 's attempts to predict the weather .
6 Man 's attempts to tame the flood have not always progressed smoothly .
7 A pleasant , man 's voice answered the telephone .
8 Streams flow abundantly into the little River Axe , and close to the meeting-point of three counties a secluded no man 's land contains the exquisite Forde Abbey , its Cistercian isolation still largely undisturbed .
9 For example I shall later consider Bultmann , who has no classical two-nature Christology , but who says of Jesus , as of no other , that this was the man whom God raised from the dead ; so that for him this man 's resurrection becomes the pivot of history .
10 The man on the left is probing inside the seated man 's skull to find the cause of his madness — another title for the picture is ‘ The Search for the Stone ’ .
11 The old man 's offer to buy the cottage was tempting , a few thousand pounds could be put to immediate use , but it was an offer he could n't accept .
12 Conrad remains always the European observer of the tropics , the white man 's eye contemplating the Congo and its black gods .
13 These names have a personal connotation and , according to Gandhi , are simply man 's attempt to define the mysterious , invincible force that pervades all things .
14 The ‘ she-male ’ character of the Bessy is not merely a woman impersonated by a man , but denotes a combination of both male and female , a total unity encompassing the whole in primitive man 's attempt to understand the universe .
15 Ebenezer Howard 's ‘ garden city ’ movement was one man 's attempt to express the desire for a more suburban type of existence , although this was only ever fully developed in Welwyn Garden City and Letchworth .
16 Further , to argue , as Gandhi does , that progress towards ahi sā must have taken place otherwise the human race would have become extinct by now , in the same way as lower species of animal life have become extinct , is to ignore the principle of natural selection , and the fact that more sophisticated weapons of hi sā are now at man 's disposal making the possibility of his self-destruction and extinction more real today than at any time in the past .
17 Once again the small , weasel-faced man 's eyes searched the crowd moving about them .
18 A man 's shout pierced the mist , and the first pursuer rushed out of the end of the alley and cut with his sword at the hatted shape which he saw dimly ahead of him .
19 But however we resolve the problem we must never cut across the basic teaching of other scriptures , that one man 's disobedience plunged the whole human race into sin , subjecting us all to death ( see for example Romans 5:12ff . ) .
20 Men 's fists punched the air , brandishing flagons of beer .
21 It may well be that the sons of barons and knights jostled with Sceva and Ollo in the markets of the twelfth century ; and it is likely enough that there were more rich men 's sons than poor men 's sons wearing the alderman 's robes .
22 The final pulls in the NFYFC tug of war championship sponsored by Shell UK Oil took place in the grand ring on Wednesday afternoon when County Durham 's ladies team ( pictured with their trainer above ) overpowered Bedfordshire 's , and Yorkshire 's muscular men 's team out-pulled the team from Staffordshire .
23 This record-breaking year , which has seen the men 's team collect the national championship silver medal and now prove themselves to be the best club team in the North augurs well for the future of the Darlington club .
24 In John v. Matthews ( 1970 D.C. ) a packet of cigarettes , displayed in the bar of a working men 's club bore the statement ‘ 3d. off . ’
25 The Edinburgh Evening News picked up the point during the dispute and commented that " the old story of the men 's dislike to machinery appears in this dispute just as it was with the engineers " , 25 Whatever the reason or reasons , the men 's unwillingness to handle the machines led directly to the situation of the late 1900s in which Edinburgh master printers were trying to counter the threat of London and southern firms by combining both the employment of women and the use of machines , thus posing a double threat of a new kind to the male compositor , and inspiring a more determined resistance from the latter than had been seen during the previous thirty-odd years .
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