Example sentences of "man ['s] [noun] [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 This experienced man 's disquiet stemmed from the fact that the taking of a statutory sample , while visible in the organization , is ( as he saw it ) a potentially inefficient use of an officer 's time , and the pressure to take a formal sample to show up well in the league tables placed an improper constraint on the discretion necessary to do the job efficiently .
2 For if nature is offering a sturdy resistance to man 's efforts to wring from her a larger supply of raw material , while at that particular stage there is no great room for introducing important new economies into the manufacture , the supply price will rise ; but if the volume of production were greater , it would perhaps be profitable to substitute largely machine work for hand work and steam power for muscular force ; and the increase in the volume of production would have diminished the expenses of production of the commodity of our representative firm . [ … ]
3 In an epistemological parable , ‘ The Man who looked into the Future ’ , Allen Wheelis describes a man 's attempts to escape from the fluidity of the present and imprint value on his life .
4 It turns from Proust 's text and looks outward to the language system in general ; and at the same time it represents de Man 's voice speaking from outside and intruding into Proust 's text .
5 She broke off as a man 's voice called from the staircase : ‘ What 's all this dam ’ talking ?
6 The large man 's friends rose from their table and the waiters formed themselves into a solid phalanx , and all hell broke loose .
7 So man 's greatness comes from knowing that he is wretched , for a tree does not know that it is wretched .
8 Dr Tim White says the discovery of the blunder may force a rethink of theories about when the line of man 's ancestors separated from that of the apes .
9 Charlotte Bronte 's ‘ going away ’ dress has been used as a basis for the women 's gowns and the men 's costumes made from contemporary illustrations .
10 These models suggest that women 's and men 's subjectivities stem from female and male animals , universally different interests , in protecting their genetic investments and spreading their genes widely , respectively .
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