Example sentences of "how [det] [was/were] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 This is not to say that there is only one right way of making such a choice but it can be helpful to have an insight into your own personal style of decisionmaking , and how this was applied to your career choice .
2 Even though we have no record of how this was communicated to 5 Corps , we assume that in view of the urgency of the situation , the decision was passed on from HQ Eighth Army by telephone .
3 Helen : For some reason I thought of it that they 've given me this monster of a baby that I was n't going to be able to love , and some woman came round — she may have been the hospital social worker or an almoner — and spent about an hour telling me how this was going to completely change the course of my life , I was going to be saddled with this child that would need twenty-four hour care and attention , and I had to think carefully about whether I wanted that for the rest of my life , i.e. was I going to keep him — virtually talking me into not keeping him , and I think the turning-point was that I felt there was something coming from the outside that was , sort of , really trying to urge me to reject him , and that I rebelled against it .
4 sure , there may be some thinking that , there may also though be er if you move through to the forties you 're , y you 're twenty years on from the nineteen twenties , you , you 've had and you 've had deterioration in agricultural conditions er as , as we 've seen you 've got erm increasing landlord absenteeism , you , you 've got a downward , an upward pressure on rent in terms of how much was having to be paid in real terms , all of those things might have come together to , to , to push the peasant over and to push him outside .
5 Particular attention will be paid to how these were linked to civil research and development and industrial policies .
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