Example sentences of "how [adv] it [was/were] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 References by Miller 's contemporaries to his Gardeners Dictionary already mentioned have shown how widely it was used and appreciated both in Britain and abroad during the eighteenth century .
2 According to the argument , it was the passing of the law that was important to the reformers , not how effectively it was enforced afterwards .
3 When they 'd moved in he 'd made a point of telling just about everybody where it was and how much it was costing — wincing a little at the same time , as if he were telling the story against himself and his own folly — but it had become a sterile kind of heaven , and he sat around in it like some forgotten angel .
4 I 'd have been a lot more worried if I 'd known how much it was going to be …
5 The events surrounding the Connolly commemorations were an important indicator of the difficulty of reconciling Ulster Protestants to nationalist pageantry , no matter how much it was stressed that the traditions being commemorated included the Protestants .
6 The good news is that Interiors is n't on video , so there 's no need to revisit this austere tale of middle-class American family breakdown , no matter how slickly it was filmed and acted .
7 Little danger as there was of another martyrdom , there was even less chance of the clergy satisfying their grievances at Edward 's expense : the most significant thing about the legislation of May 1341 is how easily it was repealed five months later .
8 She decided to rest , having treated enough cases of sunstroke to know very well how easily it was caught .
9 It is necessary to find out as precisely as possible how often it was committed , whether or not there were regional variations in its frequency , and if there were changes over time .
10 They 've shown opposition to the introduction of L M S right from the start and put every obstacle possible in the way of its success , and its implementation , and yet there they were congratulating themselves on how well it was working .
11 Diane could hardly believe how well it was going , and Dizzy had n't even put in an appearance yet .
12 One sees on such maps the new landscape actually in course of being planned , and can see how completely it was drawn afresh , regardless of almost everything that had gone before .
13 When Charles II reintroduced legal mirth and jollity to the kingdom in 1660 , the old church was refurbished again , and when I visited it recently I was fascinated by the character of the place and how beautifully it was maintained .
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