Example sentences of "how [adv] it [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 References by Miller 's contemporaries to his Gardeners Dictionary already mentioned have shown how widely it was used and appreciated both in Britain and abroad during the eighteenth century .
2 According to the argument , it was the passing of the law that was important to the reformers , not how effectively it was enforced afterwards .
3 Can I direct the hon. Gentleman 's attention to the Islington crime survey , which gives rather different evidence about how much crime is being committed and how much it is rising ?
4 Can you tell me how much it is to get in Elland Road these days , I would also give you petrol money .
5 The Government-funded Housing Corporation will reveal how much it is giving about 70 housing associations in the region .
6 L M Ericsson Telefon AB is to buy the remaining 28% equity it does not already own in its Teleindustria Ericsson SA in Mexico but does not say how much it is offering : the shares are held by Mexican and foreign institutional investors , as well as by individual minorities .
7 For no matter how much it is objected that it can not be stated definitely from these considerations just what the thing is like according to its nature , but only what it is like in respect to one thing or to another , it may still be said what there is in it which makes it appear to be this in respect to one thing and that in respect to another ; and consequently it may be said both to be one thing according to its nature and to be this or that in respect to other things .
8 Once you have decided what the extra staffing and other requirements are in respect of the two conferences , you can work out how much it is going to cost to accommodate them .
9 Switching the cabinet voicing off , you realise just how much it is working to condition the sound ready for tape ; because without it , you are straight back to the two gnats in a bottle sound , beloved of direct outputs on many amps .
10 ( The BBC refuses to say how much it is spending on Artrageous ! . )
11 When they 'd moved in he 'd made a point of telling just about everybody where it was and how much it was costing — wincing a little at the same time , as if he were telling the story against himself and his own folly — but it had become a sterile kind of heaven , and he sat around in it like some forgotten angel .
12 I 'd have been a lot more worried if I 'd known how much it was going to be …
13 The events surrounding the Connolly commemorations were an important indicator of the difficulty of reconciling Ulster Protestants to nationalist pageantry , no matter how much it was stressed that the traditions being commemorated included the Protestants .
14 Well if she gets here at quarter past seven and three hours is quarter past ten , and she 's supposed to be at the Penny Farthing at nine o'clock , so you know , I , I do n't feel as though we are you know getting erm our money 's worth from her at the moment , erm also erm she told me in the beginning that this was only go on was going on for about six weeks , well it has now been going on for over eight weeks and she now says that erm she does n't know how longer it 's going on for and I think she is just erm stalling us .
15 The good news is that Interiors is n't on video , so there 's no need to revisit this austere tale of middle-class American family breakdown , no matter how slickly it was filmed and acted .
16 Little danger as there was of another martyrdom , there was even less chance of the clergy satisfying their grievances at Edward 's expense : the most significant thing about the legislation of May 1341 is how easily it was repealed five months later .
17 She decided to rest , having treated enough cases of sunstroke to know very well how easily it was caught .
18 This is because it knows how desperately it is threatened by this disease .
19 Remember the old proverb : ‘ It 's easy for the hunter to forget how quickly it is to become the hunted . ’
20 How far the sound travels , and how quickly it is reduced , depends on the material types and the construction of the building .
21 but how ever it is compiled it would run contrary to the principles which my Noble Friend Lord Motterstone and my Noble Friend Lord Rippon have already stated and would stated in all parts of the House .
22 This defence will be highly relevant in the pharmaceutical industry where much will depend upon how strictly it is construed with regard to new drugs .
23 Erm I wonder how substantially it 's going to re-written , first , in order to make it a response rather than an issue raising paper and ah , secondly , in the light of what we 've all had to say this evening and , if it is to be re-written I wonder erm who is going to actually see it and approve it before it goes off in time to get to the health authority by the day after tomorrow ?
24 In other words , a settlement should be achieved by means of a formal undertaking or agreement executed expressly in consideration of the opposition being discontinued ; this may seem obvious but it is surprising how often it is ignored .
25 Whether the machine goes to the class or the class goes to the machine , it is a good idea to devise ways of recording how often it is used .
26 — Try to keep a check on how often it is used and get feedback on how it went .
27 It is necessary to find out as precisely as possible how often it was committed , whether or not there were regional variations in its frequency , and if there were changes over time .
28 It 'll be judged by how well it 's written and what people think of it .
29 How well it 's made
30 How well it 's made
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