Example sentences of "such a [noun] that [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The effects of this pressure have emerged in at least one Modular Course evaluation study ( see Table 6.2 , Modular Course Management Structures ) , and a determined attempt has been made to configure the management system in such a way that Field Chairs participate in all Course development decisions , so that special needs are recognized and special difficulties can not be easily ignored .
2 The issue of Indian freedom thus resolved itself into the problem of how to fulfill the promise of independence in such a way that Britain 's position in the rest of Asia and in Africa was not weakened , but strengthened .
3 ‘ And I can certainly think of ways in which I can talk about this in such a way that Mrs Jones doing her washing up , Mr Brown driving to work , E H Os idling time in their offices , listen to the radio , can actually listen and enjoy it . ’
4 She pulled herself up on the bed and , kneeling in such a way that George could see her breasts to their best advantage , took his phallus into her mouth .
5 His deeds had made his name synonymous with victory ; the Almoravids feared and hated him ; he had overcome all his enemies and won his way back to the position of Alfonso 's vassal — although , in fact , he overshadowed the King in such a way that Alfonso virtually faded from the scene in the next few years .
6 Alice Fell was such a stumbling-block that Wordsworth withdrew it from the 1820 edition of his poems .
7 This caused such a stir that Harrison threw himself into the cause of medical reform .
8 The presentation was such a success that SCOTVEC intends to organise similar events for other groups of college staff at venues around Scotland .
9 These week-end visits are such a success that Howard and Felicity begin to expand them into full-scale house parties — the Chases , the Waylands , and Luci Hayter , all at once ; the Bernsteins , the Goodys , the Chyldes , and Charles Aught ; the Kessels , the Keats , the Schaffers , the Chases , and Francis Fairlie .
10 In fact , their van , which is normally used for delivering letters in the Darlington district , was such a success that Ford technicians refused to believe it was a standard production line van .
11 At one point , the number of steaming attacks in Oxford Street reached such a peak that Scotland Yard formed a special squad to deal with it .
12 I am simply denying that God ( whatever we may mean by God ) could be of such a kind that God could intervene in human history , or be revealed through particular events in history , or through a particular person , in a way in which God is not potentially present to us in and through all acts and persons .
13 By the following year , guerrilla activity on the part of the Zealots had intensified to such a degree that Rome was obliged to take vigorous countermeasures .
14 All of this provides an imagery of a person who has lived his entire life with feelings of a split personality , to such a degree that Nicholson was moved towards a study of ‘ cusp people ’ in his own search for explanations .
15 Jones was struck especially by Citizen Thelwall , who , wearing the white hat of the radical , got up after dinner and ‘ talked so loud and was in such a Passion that Jones was frightened ’ .
16 By 1876 , planning had reached such a point that France and Britain signed a protocol laying down the basis of a treaty governing the construction of the tunnel and a start was made on either side of the Channel .
17 And she had backed away in such a fashion that Lily could only let her arms drop .
18 It is in such a situation that Brian Gallagher 's first novel of love , treachery and political intrigue , Invincible ( Town House , £4.99 ) , is set .
19 She led the way through a vast entrance hall , but at such a rate that Robbie received only a jumbled impression of floorboards polished to the lustre of old tortoiseshell , of panelled walls and copper jugs holding arrangements of dried grasses and ferns .
20 Taking into account the length for the length of the features and the cons the consultation that take place and the length of time they take , I do not expect to see er Bungay bypass construction for some time yet , but I do expect the County Council to progress on that in such a manner that Bungay will not grind to a halt .
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