Example sentences of "such a way [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Graham picked up his holdalls and walked away to the cafeteria , where he changed a couple of Swiss francs into loose change then made a call on one of the public telephones , positioning himself in such a way so he could study the two men as he described them to Philpott .
2 Corpus Christi College provided for Hoskyns 's teaching in such a way that their parish of St Benet 's , on the edge of the college precinct , was vacant .
3 Many such heavy timber beams supporting joists of the first floor were inserted into existing buildings in such a way that their ends may have had an inadequate bearing on to slender timber ‘ storey posts ’ installed adjacent to the party walls .
4 Given any group of objects , and the ability to measure difference ( or dissimilarity ) between any pair of the objects , how can we position the objects in two dimensions in such a way that their physical separation reflects the measure of dissimilarity between them ?
5 Frier and floor cleaners : These are examples of the tendency of some suppliers to name products in such a way that their application is restricted and an unnecessary number of products is stocked .
6 The susceptibility of individuals to disease ; if animals are kept or treated in such a way that their immune system does not work very well , that in itself tells you that their welfare is less good than it might be .
7 Their business is to propound ideas in such a way that their claimed transfer value is made explicit for the consideration and possible operationalization by the teacher .
8 They successfully politicised lived experiences of women in such a way that their concerns came to be seen as the concerns of Labour .
9 Furthermore , these giant corporations possess such wealth and power that they not only affect our lives , limbs , health , and property from the forceps to the grave , but they also bend the political democratic process in such a way that their interests are often prioritized over those of the electorate , consumers , employees , and shareholders .
10 This is not quite as simple as it sounds : the camera operators have to shoot in such a way that their two pictures will edit together , and skilled editing is required .
11 Supervisors are concerned that banks should balance their assets and liabilities in each currency in such a way that their ‘ exposure ’ ( to risk of loss on the foreign exchange market ) should not exceed 10% of their capital base .
12 In the event each of the 57 first wave trusts found their borrowing limits — known as " external financing limits " — set in such a way that their ability to raise capital was tightly controlled .
13 If we consider irregularly shaped areas on the sphere ( X and Y ) , rather than the regular segments , these can be seen to move apart in such a way that their motion can similarly be described with respect to the same pole of rotation at A. The effect is clearly illustrated in the alignment of transform faults which mark the off-sets along either side of divergent plate boundaries ( Fig. 2.15B ) .
14 But they are a reality which Naipaul treats in such a way that they , too , can at times seem phantasmagorical .
15 Can certain individuals be directed in such a way that they stand out from the mass because they are the tellers of the story , the chief exponents in the drama or theme ?
16 Thus when using glissades the choreographer must decide whether they are to be darted. and controlled by careful spacing to close in an elegant 5th position , or glided smoothly with a gentle rise and full , or danced in such a way that they give impetus to propel the dancer upwards into the step of elevation .
17 Horizontality is , in fact , preserved by bringing into use an additional pair of wheels under the leading edge of the tank , fitted on the same axle as the main track wheels , one at each end of the axle , and thus outside the main pair , in such a way that they engage with a second , outside , pair of rails laid over the curve ( figure 7 ) .
18 Its main focus is on helping people find solutions to current work problems , but in such a way that they learn whilst doing this .
19 Essentially , these express the number of deaths occurring as a proportion of the number of people at risk in each region in such a way that they take into account the fact that regions have different age and sex distributions ; their construction will be explained fully in chapter 14 .
20 A team is a small group ( 6 to 8 people is a typical size ) who co-operate together in such a way that they accomplish more than the sum total of the individuals .
21 If the process of nursing is seen as a problem-solving activity in which the nurse acts on her own initiative generating her own solutions , rather than one in which she repeats ready-made solutions ; and if the reasoning of the cognition theorists is accepted as valid ; then the teaching of nursing should be organised in such a way that the student not only acquires the necessary knowledge and skills , but does so in such a way that they develop in her flexible cognitive structures .
22 The Splash Principle — the dark markings on this grey tree frog spread across its legs in such a way that they break up its shape .
23 The key to freeing the body to regain its lost dignity lies in inhibiting the unconscious habit of muscle tension ; only then may we perform actions in such a way that they become as much a joy to carry out as they are to watch .
24 It is technically perfectly lawful for a Minister of the Crown to be empowered to make statutory instruments in such a way that they are never subjected to parliamentary scrutiny — indeed , there is no requirement of promulgation or publication for an instrument to become legally binding and an instrument made by the Minister and cached in his bottom drawer could be as binding as the Theft Act ( although in this situation ignorance might , rarely in our law , offer a defence by reason of s.3(2) of the Statutory Instruments Act
25 In hexagonal ice the water molecules are arranged in such a way that they form an open lattice structure which produces puckered layers of hydrogen-bonded water molecules ( Figure 8 ) .
26 Because we all try to twist circumstances in such a way that they conform with our subconscious picture of ourselves , those who see themselves as permanent victims will automatically seek out people who are going to treat them as such .
27 Procedures should define how employees should voice their grievances , in such a way that they do not jeopardise their position .
28 That the goods involved be stored in such a way that they are clearly identifiable .
29 Jesus has the authority to call these men in such a way that they respond immediately ;
30 One possibility is that conversational interactions are structured in such a way that they provide additional support for the induction of grammatical generalisations .
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