Example sentences of "such [adj] [noun sg] that it " in BNC.

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1 No such scarps have been observed on other maria , perhaps because any lava there was of such low viscosity that it spread out into very thin sheets before solidifying .
2 Some published material is hand written and of such high quality that it is difficult to distinguish it from a typeset score .
3 Progress was slow , but by the mid-eighteenth century success had been achieved in both methods of calculating longitude : the Greenwich astronomers had worked out the tables for the movements of the moon and an English watchmaker , John Harrison , had made a chronometer that kept such perfect time that it could meet the requirements of any sailor .
4 Those which went to Moscow from the west were fed by the Russian government ; and the ceremonial presentation each day of food to the foreigners was considered of such symbolic importance that it was kept up even during the terrible famine of 1601 – 03 , the worst in all Russian history .
5 The simple statement was delivered with such smug certainty that it made Caroline 's blood heat .
6 Her soft hands were so unaccustomed to such hard work that it became — temporarily , Miss Mates said , until they hardened — difficult for her to help with the fine sewing , and the darning and repairing needed in the little house .
7 All the experiences of life are remembered in such exact form that it would seem that we possess inside us a high fidelity recorder .
8 The Borrowdale mines in the lane District , discovered in 1564 , yielded such fine graphite that it was jealously guarded , extractions only being sold for six weeks of the year .
9 It was already making such good progress that it 's been able to grow and improve in spite of so much petty interference as the Labour Group has been able to put on it .
10 Meals are part of the holiday social life , and such good value that it makes little difference if you drop out for a day or two to eat locally .
11 Meals are part of the holiday social life , and such good value that it makes little difference if you drop out for a day or two to eat locally .
12 Now , new offices were being built for it on the other side of the road , but they were not quite ready , and meantime , the new publisher from the East and his editors functioned in an atmosphere of such utter confusion that it is doubtful if an efficiency expert could even have fought his way in through the door .
13 The receipt of such a bonus has an effect far outside the regular annual rise , which again in the case of ICI is a matter of such Byzantine complexity that it is often difficult to know whether one is getting a good or a bad one !
14 He manufactured a concoction of such awesome vileness that it defies , even now , reasonable description .
15 The overall structural and emotional focus of the work is consistently sustained with such burning insight that it was almost as thought one were hearing the Sonata for the very first time .
16 Bob Busby had also concluded his business at the urinal , but is adjusting his dress with a great deal of fumbling and knee-flexing , as if his member is of such majestic size that it can be coaxed back into his Y-fronts only with the greatest difficulty .
17 Nigel Mansell is one example , though Mansell 's metabolism , once released from the horrors of his competitive life , seems to revert to such extreme placidity that it is possible to picture him living out his days as a happy family man and manager of his own investments .
18 It is a fishing port of sufficient importance to justify the laying of a single track railway to it from Fort William , this passing through scenery of such exquisite beauty that it is widely acknowledged to be the most delightful railway in Britain .
19 Amber Scott , playing Banning 's daughter , entertains the sighing pirates with a ballad of such sick-making sentiment that it makes Shirley Temple look like Billie Holiday .
20 Amber Scott , playing Banning 's daughter , entertains the sighing pirates with a ballad of such sick-making sentiment that it makes Shirley Temple look like Billie Holiday .
21 Although both males call , they do so in such close unison that it sounds like a single call .
22 The calf was in such bad condition that it was decided that its only chance of survival was to transfer it to Colombo Zoo for treatment .
23 But a sense of the epic driven to such histrionic pitch that it verges on Velvet 's White noise and viola hysteria .
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